anyone else going through seasonal fishing withdrawals?


Expedition Leader
It has been 6 weeks since I caught a fish and am going crazy! My wife thinks I am silly for wanting to go even when most spots are freezing over and daylight ends at around 5. But I am trying to get out this week anyway, my last final is tomorrow and I need some stress relief away from the house.


In our part of Idaho Silver Ck downstream from Hwy 93 between Richfield and Carey is open all year. Catch and release and some nice fish this time of year. Twice within the past two weeks Rooney (our German wirehair pointer) and I have taken partridge in the a.m. and then released a few trout in the p.m.

The Little Wood is open year round and just below the confluence with Silver Ck holds good fish.

Then, too, parts of the Big Wood are open. Even the desert is a good place for trout in the winter.

Of course, if you like big fish tugging on your line, there's steelhead fishing throughout the winter north of us a couple of hours on the Salmon River.

Allen R


I have a new rod I can't wait to fish with. Ordered it 7 years ago, and it gets delivered just as my local streams all ice over. I've been eyeing a trip down south to warmer climes just so I can fish the new rod before spring.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
Once the Lake Trout season on Lake superior ends, it's hunting season.

I spend my fall in the woods, hunting grouse, deer and doing a little stream fishing/inland lake trout fishing.

Grouse season runs until Dec 31st, that keeps me going until there is thick enough ice to start Ice Fishing.



Expedition Leader
I have a new rod I can't wait to fish with. Ordered it 7 years ago, and it gets delivered just as my local streams all ice over. I've been eyeing a trip down south to warmer climes just so I can fish the new rod before spring.

We might go down to Hurricane for new years weekend, my wife's grandma has a house down there and some other family, warmer weather and fishing for the win!


lol... We were out today here in NJ.

Got 2 big chain pickerel (+ a couple smaller ones) & a not so big-big mouth bass.

We're determined to keep fishing even if we only catch a cold.


Expedition Leader
lol... We were out today here in NJ.

Got 2 big chain pickerel (+ a couple smaller ones) & a not so big-big mouth bass.

We're determined to keep fishing even if we only catch a cold.

I grew up in Maine and have a few scars on my fingers from northern pike, they are vicious!


I feel bad for you guys who have to cut holes in ice to fish. When I lived in Fargo I did that and while it was fun I just couldn't get over how cold it was. Being a Florida native I like the idea of standing around with my toes in the sand fishing in the middle of winter.

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