Anyone else use their rig as simply a tent on wheels?


I've brought this up before but we always have new members so I'd like to discuss this some more.

I bought my rig primarily so I could get back into country that my other vehicles might have some trouble dealing with. While I love the *idea* of an RTT and the elaborate campsites some of you are willing to deal with my trips with my LX tend to be shorter (a week or so) and resupplying isn't much of an issue. I eat simple, carry enough water, and essentially think like a backpacker when traveling in the LX. A duffel bag for clothes, a box for kitchen items and dry food, a small cooler (still thinking of a small Waeco fridge), a sleeping bag and pad, and a chair. And a few other odds and ends usually kept in my SAR duffel bag.

As it's just me on these trips, I sleep in the rig which is a bit tight (I'm 6') but doable. I've thought of a cot and an awning for occasional outside sleeping in milder, non-buggy weather but still haven't found an awning I want mounted all the time.

I travel minimalist because it's easier than having to set up a camp each night as I rarely stay in a place more than an evening. I want to explore, eat, read, and go to bed and see something new the next day.

The RTT's like the Maggiolina are great for that sort of travel unless you need to be stealthy and don't mind the ladder thing but they are awfully expensive, reduce MPG, and make covered parking more of a challenge. A tent outside is fine (I do carry a tent but never use it) until you get rained on or are in bear country. I like the security of being in the rig at night where the wind, rain, and bugs are at bay.

But it seems I'm a bit unusual here. Maybe it's because I travel solo in this rig or it's the way I travel (touring).

I do have a camper van that's a bit more civilized and has all the onboard stuff a person would want but it's not 4x4 so it tends to stay home in the winter. I've looked into converting it but as I'd have to have it done, it's just not an affordable option.

So do any of you use your Cruiser as nothing more than a tent on wheels with minimal backpacking oriented camping and campsites (meaning you stop, pull out a chair, open the tailgate to use as a kitchen/bathroom platform) and call it good?

If you've got photos, please post them up!


Typical campsite for an overnight stop. South Hills, Idaho
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Cackalak Han

When I was single, that's what I used the 4Runner/Tacoma for. Just slept in the vehicle and carried just a few things. Having a family changed all of that. Actually, it changed everything in life, period.


I used to use an RTT but it weighed to much and the ladder was a pain. So I extended my cabinets to make a place for me to sleep on. It is a bit tight but it works.







When I was single, that's what I used the 4Runner/Tacoma for. Just slept in the vehicle and carried just a few things. Having a family changed all of that. Actually, it changed everything in life, period.

Change 4Runner/Tacoma to S10 Blazer and my story is the same.

Even now, a big consideration when buying the 80 was the ability to sleep in it (although I have yet to do it). In my 20s, my camping trips were pretty much like yours. You just crawl in the back at the end of the day. Added benefit is a nice flat surface with no rocks jabbing you in the back and totally weatherproof.

It was really useful driving back and forth across the country a half dozen times.


I should point out that I just turned 60. In my 20's I had an old Plymouth Arrow (Mitsu) pickup with a shell and carpet kit and that thing was roomy but it was just me then. After I got married that old rig got traded for a 3/4 GMC and 9.5' Lance camper so my wife would go. Over the years, after we had kids and they started growing we ended up with a new truck and a 22' fifth wheel and then a 30' fifth wheel. I HATED it. At the end of a long trip in 2007 I parked the fiver and got the little van and then last year when I needed a new daily driver I decided on the LX as a solo rig that would double as a family hauler.

While my boys like the idea of camping they're really more RV types so I take the van with its creature comforts when we do short trips together. Even the van is too primitive for my wife so unless I get something else that I don't have to tow someday that's completely self-contained it will likely just be me doing these types of outdoor trips in the future. At least there aren't any arguments. :D

Nick B

CSG : Your pic at the top looks like it would be a great place for night time star gazing since the light pollution would be nill . If I was closer I'd join ya on a trip . Being in our 50's now it would be just me, lil wifey likes her bed too much to be out there under the stars .

Cackalak Han

CSG - How do you have enough space to sleep inside with your Rascal in there?

:D joking. I sometimes long for the days when I could get ready in about 5 min and head off. Now it's gotta be planned days in advance.


Slept in the back of my xterra lots of times.I think it's a good option for people under 6'.


Nick, astronomy is one of my hobbies and I often bring my TeleVue 70mm Pronto refractor (or just use binoculars).

Cack, Rascal? What did I miss?


Ah, I get it. Actually, I'm pretty fit and an active member of our local Search and Rescue unit. Give me another 10 years and then we'll talk. ;)

Besides, don't they make a hitch rack for those? Do they come in a 4x4 version?


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Single traveler vs
couple vs

That is what makes the difference more than anything else.

I would love to get a simple rig and do a sleep inside setup, which would be ok for me alone and might work with the wife also...
but add my son's and maybe the dog and it all goes out the window.


Sometimes I would pitch a tent next to my Pathfinder, but mostly I slept in the back. I'm looking for a rig to replace it with now, it recently died. Even before I had my Pathy though, I would sleep in the back (curled up) of my 89 Civic 4WD Wagon. Wish I still had that thing!


Similar to MrLocksmith...

Platform in the back of my FJC. Simple storage/sleeping platform for any type of travel.


I found that RTTs were also too expensive, too high off the ground for my usage - descent in the darkness for a nature break.
Prefer being inside my rig, comfortable, and protected from the elements. Especially when the elements conspire (wind, rain, snow).
Actually convinced a friend to go the same route and ditch the RTT.
Easier to organize - less to set up/take down. Just pick up and go....
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