Anyone else use their rig as simply a tent on wheels?



you are still my hero! Saved us from a hike over to Loon Lake dam.
Very generous of you to drive us.

My student came back late in the season and completed the course.

Still amazed how spot on you guessed my every day ride.



you are still my hero! Saved us from a hike over to Loon Lake dam.
Very generous of you to drive us.

My student came back late in the season and completed the course.

Still amazed how spot on you guessed my every day ride.
I have amazing powers of observation, who would have guessed a guy with German accent that taught off road driving would drive a G wagon. :elkgrin:


New member
Nice setup, Is that an old table your using there to traverse that space. If so good simple Idea. One I haven't seen before.

Yes, it's an old table and it's worked really well standing up to eight weeks in Morocco so far which is more than can be said for an OMU shock.



A number of set ups here are exactly what I have in mind. (appreciate the input all) The Jeep TJ is ultimately not the answer. I want to sleep INSIDE the vehicle. I don't want to sleep on the ground in the elements anymore at my age. My removable rear seat was taken out at the six month mark and has never been put back. I only could have used it twice since so two seat mode would be fine even if a full size Suburban. Some form of extended interior space inside would be perfect for me.
Here is what I use in the back of the 4runner:


Its just me and the dog so there is more than enough space, and nothing permanent or heavy. The truck is my daily driver as well so I need to be able to return it to stock easily.

Thank you for reminding me... I need to grab a cot if we have one at the REI store and test to fit in the back. Hopefully, I can do it tomorrow. Then I'd have pretty much everything in place for my next trip!


I travel minimalist because it's easier than having to set up a camp each night as I rarely stay in a place more than an evening. I want to explore, eat, read, and go to bed and see something new the next day.

But it seems I'm a bit unusual here. Maybe it's because I travel solo in this rig or it's the way I travel (touring).

So do any of you use your Cruiser as nothing more than a tent on wheels with minimal backpacking oriented camping and campsites (meaning you stop, pull out a chair, open the tailgate to use as a kitchen/bathroom platform) and call it good?

Fridge mounted inside, second row folded, folding mattress laid down on top of seat/drawers and my comforter and pillows off my bed at home. Pull out a folding chair for seating and keep the windows cracked open while asleep. In buggy areas, I take a piece of window screen and close one of the rear doors on it and only keep that window open.

Simple cold cut sandwiches or lunchables(dude that ham and cheese STILL gets me, after all these years) is what I'll down if I'm out alone...with friends we usually bring a little coleman and grill up burgers/hotdogs/steaks/chicken each night. Dont forget chocolate milk for breakfast!

This is coming from a guy who eats hotdogs without condiments, plain sandwiches with no veggies or sauces, a steak off the grill is considered a complete dinner and doesnt like coffee(spressomon is probably reading this going :Wow1:).

Mine's the one without the fancy RTT


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The cot he shows there is the one you want. It fits over the wheel wells, others have legs in the middle and use up too much space.

Yes, we sell those, but I looked into it this morning and found that it won't work. It's 74 inches long, and there's only about 60-64 inches length between the rear door and the front right seat scooted up. I need to get the Scout II finished and use that instead, as the bed area is quite a bit longer, AND the floor is flat.

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