Would like some feedback on them.
Would like some feedback on them.
They have a short video that shows how it is all done. I hadn't heard of them before this post and their stuff looks pretty good. Company is in Truckee, CA only a couple hours away from me - maybe a day-trip and will report back.
That is what fits inside. The Compact Unit ships empty. The kitchen gear listed is about $450.00 in total and can be found on the website as well.
$499 Dauuuuumn (Movie Friday Voice)
Is it just me or is "camping" getting $$$ and trendy?
I think that all comes to how you pack it. Personally I prefer old Coleman white gas stoves that I'd be packing outside the kitchen anyway. So by taking out their stove you free up space to customize and repack so that "lunch gear" is near the door and you can pull it out without setting up the whole thing. Then just pack it in back of your rig with the door facing the tailgate and it can be convenient access when you don't need a full cooking setup.Looks,cool but operationally that thing takes up a ton of room and looks complicated to set up. I can see lunches and quick overnight stops becoming a pita. Since all your plates and utensiles are burried inside of it. And with being stored the way they show it there is no access unles you remove it from the vehicle. Looks cool but not convenient.