Anyone make their own propane stove?


New member
I'm looking to incorporate a 2 burner stove into a drawer system and came across this wonderful piece of kit.

440 can + shipping is crazy for a stove though. It got me thinking, how hard can it be to put together? There are a lot of 2 burner stoves to be had new and used for $100 and under. The only trouble I see is that the knobs are traditionally on the side. I would need to have the knobs on the end to prevent the space between drawers to be needlessly wasted.

Anyone try to do this before? Google and the site search haven't yielded any credible posts. Came across a few scary DIY options on youtube but I'm more so looking to use existing burners and regulator and simply plum them in a different orientation.


Not sure exactly what you mean by on the end. There are lots of stove top ones, with the knobs facing up by the burners. Or this:

These are used in high output situations, like brewing, canning, etc (note the BTUs), and I wouldn't want them anywhere near a flammable material, but maybe someone makes smaller little ones, or you could mod it.

Also, I've seen many in teardrop trailers. But again usually with knobs on top. Sometimes at the side, if there's enough clearance on that side.


New member
I thought of the RV stove top ones but decided that with the limited space, if I was to use a larger plate or pan I wouldn't be able to access the knobs.

My initial thought was simply getting one of the coleman two burner stoves and cutting the little pipes that feed the propane to the burners and welding or attaching new pipes on to change the direction of where the knobs face. Trouble is I am not sure if that is a big no-no when dealing with propane. Also welding it might be challenging due to the tiny size of those pipes
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New member
I checked with a welder friend and looks like I might be in luck. The lines leading up to the coleman burners (or any small burner) are really thin at about 1/4" which I figured would cause problems. He doesn't think it would be any trouble. So looks like I'll be picking up used coleman to hack up and make into a JK stove!

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