I had a Tirfor for a few years as well, and like Pete says, its hard work. They are very heavy to carry around, almost as heavy as an electric winch with synthetic rope. The main advantage as they said in the video, is the ability to attach from any angle, but I found that the attachment point are almost always the front of back of the vehicle. I carry a couple of snatch blocks, and have a winch front and rear. I'm pretty confident that I could rig up a way to pull me out of most situations, it might take a lot of time. My biggest fear is laying the truck over on it's side, I think there was a thread here about a couple whole layed their camper over when the side of the road collapsed. Trying to get it back on it's wheels may take a while and lots of digging if we were very remote and by ourselves, but that's where the EPIRBs and PLB come in.