Straps Instead of Bars
I've been using the Racor hoist to store, load, and unload our RTT for a couple years now. I've used it on both the CVT Mt. Shasta and now on our new James Baroud Grand Raid (160 lbs). The bars that come with the lift are too flimsy to use. I've gone through a progression and found that straps work best for me.
I first used some unistrut from Home Depot. Worked fine until I got the Baja Rack since it was hard to get the bars out from under the tent when the tent landed on the flat rack.
Then I moved to straps and this seems to work best for me to load and unload the tent by myself. I had a set of axle straps laying around and tied them together using a couple nylon runners used for rock climbing. This has worked great for me. I leave the Yakima rack attached to the tent so now I just have to lower the setup onto my roof rails and tighten the rack up. Way easier than trying to get my hands under the Baja Rack to tighten up the bolts.

I also use a cordless drill with one of those rubber coated storage hooks to operate the crank. I found the drill chuck attachment to be too long to accommodate the overhang of the tent. As the tent lifts, the attachment became perpendicular and would not turn the crank effectively.