Anyone using the Dual XGPS-150 with the Scenic Map iPad software?


Expedition Leader
I've got one on order and it should arrive by Tuesday. Will let you all know what I think. I also purchased the Scenic Map Western States software and it's downloading as I type this.:sombrero:

Last but not least, I finally got the right thickness aluminum so I can make a mount plate for the iPad & Ram Mount this weekend.:)


Would like to see pix once the mount is done.
Your review of the Scenic Map + XGPS-150 would also be appreciated.


You get this setup working yet? I'm looking for mapping software that wont take up a whole lot of room in my regular cab...


Expedition Leader
Yup. Works well although it occasionally has a hiccup when connecting to the gps and you need to turn off wifi first.

Also one minor downside currently is you currently can't import waypoints or routes. The developer is working on it and he expects to add that feature in a the next release which should come out around the same time as the next major iOS release.
How is this working for you? Looks like a major criticism is that the maps aren't as accurate as one would like with road names missing, not being close to the road, large text obscuring the maps.


Expedition Leader
How is this working for you? Looks like a major criticism is that the maps aren't as accurate as one would like with road names missing, not being close to the road, large text obscuring the maps.

DO NOT BUY THE DUAL XGPS150!! The gps unit is far from reliable. If I could return it, I would. Darned thing won't stay locked on. :Wow1: Serves me right for thinking a general auto electronics company would be capable of making a reliable gps unit.

As for the topo software, it uses open source map data... I.e. free maps. You know the saying 'You get what you pay for...' right? I don't rely on the scenic maps software for street navigation because of this.

I do rely on it for topo info and as a general atlas. For actual street navigation use it's hard to beat a dedicated street gps from Tom Tom, Garmin or any other number of gps makers.


I agree with your statement about not purchasing the dual gps. It may be ok enough for the occasional, gimmiky app or quick location, but in my basic field testing it has left me with a bad taste in my mouth, not to mention thankful that I did not rely on it!
As for dependable IPad apps, I may be too picky, but there is nothing so far that I like or can depend on. Open source mapping is inconsitant, and in my case, where I did my field testing, fraught with errors. Even a paid app I wasted money on had the wrong information. How do you get highway names wrong?????:Wow1:
Maybe Garmin has spoiled me over the last 15 years....

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