Thanks for the input - I am working on this project anew! The problem has been vendors unwilling to take the time to do ANY work on the phone at all - preferring I go to their website. In my estimation, and that of my wallet, that is a lazy way to treat a customer that has taken the time to call an advertised 800 number. I really enjoy them talking over me while I am I trying to tell the vital info like make and model, and location. Then I get the attitude - 'well, if you want the bumper, You are going to have to do the WORK for us - we will just give what you tell us to ARB.' Hell, I might as well become an ARB dealer myself. Hmmm....
Call me old school, but I appreciate each of my clients and I know they have options, so I work very hard to earn their business by going beyond expectation and doing what I say - and I try to do it with a high level of respect. If I can't do that anymore, I fully expect to get pushed out of the way by those that can do it!
Many clients are crap heads and difficult to work with. But when I'm buying supplies, the grocery store takes their harder earned money the same as it does the nice folks' easily earned cash. I do not have the luxury of waiting for everything to go my way. It seems like a lot of the 4X4 vendor community got into the business for the discounted gear and maybe make a buck or two - if it's not too much trouble.
RANT OFF\ I'll post again when the next step takes place!