APRS Dog Collar


Hey all,

Just wanted to share a little project I'm working on while learning to play with APRS. I'm a fairly new HAM with about 6 months under my belt, primarily playing with the WIN system repeater network.

Anyways as I dive down the rabbit hole of HAM, the more use I find for every day life. On our last trip out to Saline Valley, CA one of our travel partners had a Garmin dog tracking system on his two pooches. As we are about to be picking up my Fiance and I's first pup later this month, I have been looking into GPS reporting dog collar systems (specifically hunting dog oriented systems) and it is mind numbing how much a basic system costs that does not require GSM for the collar or receiver. Even GSM based systems carry high monthly premiums.

I don't know why but I thought to look into APRS stuff the other night to see what was available and DIY something up. A bit of research finding the amount of small TNCs that connect to cheap radios gave me an idea. Given the hardware mentioned is open source and of questionable durability, but at least for us HAMs I think I may have a good solution.

For the dog collar, I found the Pico APRS which is a tiny APRS radio about the size of a match book. Has a max transmit power of 1 watt. Can send and receive messages, and plays an auditory tone anytime one is received. It also has a total weight less antenna of 44 grams for 10 hrs run time configured for low power. I figure paired with a small battery pack on the opposite side of the collar that would help to balance weight wise and give hopefully a 24hr run time, this would work well. I plan to train the dog to "come here" any time a message is received and plays the tone.

For the receiver side I am thinking about adhering a SainSonic AP510 to the back side of the case on my old Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini running APRSdroid to keep tabs on the dog as she cruises around camp or if she decides to wander off. There is documentation to modify the APRSdroid APK to accept downloadable 3rd party map support so there is no need for a data connection for this phone.

Just something I've been mentally toying with for the last few day and would like input from more season HAMs than I. I imagine this idea could be expanded on, such as writing a script that would establish a geofence based from a center point established on the position of the S4 that would basically say "hey, you have gone to far"

Anyways, would like to hear the forums thoughts.


Well-known member
I been thinking of getting a few of these for tracking my kids bike around camp.. I have a APRS radio in my trailer that does tracking/digipeating and in my tow vehicle.. got a RPI hooked up in trailer and was eventually going to feed a map display showing location of all the toys at least (bikes/jeeps/canoes/fishing parties)

I had a 3g hooked up pet tracker, was small enough for my cats.. unfortunately it got lost, after about 6 months of service.. it had fallen off the cat several times and we recovered it since we could make the lights blink at night and they were bright.. the last time we realized he didnt have it on him, and battery had only 3-4h left on it and it was 5h til dark.. we searched the area several times very well and didnt find it, in heinsight I shoulda painted it a really bright color or put a reflector on it.. We adopted a feral and he would disappear for a while, we got the tracker after he vanished for 2 months.. put him on house arrest for 2 months and then tracked his travels online, quickly figured out all his stomping grounds and now we can find him easy enough w/out the collar.. the worst of it all was the battery, for a cat tracker weight ment battery didnt last more than two days with all features turned off and only getting GPS lock and reporting location when requested.. no tracks or activity monitoring, just a manual request.
I like this idea. I had not heard of the PICO APRS so looked it up and looks to be a good device for what you want to accomplish. I think the battery life is based on using 0.5 watts instead of 1 watt. Still that is good life to find a pet that has wandered off.

You might want to check out Byonics, he has some nice self contained trackers. I have thought about installing one in my vehicle for a DIY Lo-Jack system.


What's your dog's call sign?

AU5SIE or P4NDA. Vanity callsign TBD


I like this idea. I had not heard of the PICO APRS so looked it up and looks to be a good device for what you want to accomplish. I think the battery life is based on using 0.5 watts instead of 1 watt. Still that is good life to find a pet that has wandered off.

You might want to check out Byonics, he has some nice self contained trackers. I have thought about installing one in my vehicle for a DIY Lo-Jack system.

I literally found the Pico APRS last night and could not find anything else that was better suited as an already built unit. Regarding the 10 hr battery life from my reading, you are right about the .5 watt TX but also combined with the "energy saving" GPS setting. from what I gather this means reporting every 15 mins or so. This is where I was thinking about building a small aux battery most likely based on 18650 batteries as I already have a bunch for my flashlights.

DIYing something based on Arduino may be an option but I highly doubt I can come up with that small a package on my own.

One concern about the Pico APRS is water proofing though, but I bet I could overcome this by potting the electronics which would also help with shock resistance.


I like this idea. I had not heard of the PICO APRS so looked it up and looks to be a good device for what you want to accomplish. I think the battery life is based on using 0.5 watts instead of 1 watt. Still that is good life to find a pet that has wandered off.

You might want to check out Byonics, he has some nice self contained trackers. I have thought about installing one in my vehicle for a DIY Lo-Jack system.

Sorry forgot to mention in my last post. I looked at Byonics and did not see anything that was of appropriate size for a collar with GPS. For back packing and throwing a dog pack on her I could see their products working particularly with a decent sized battery that would last a couple days. Mount on the center of the pack and call it good.

This actually got me thinking though. DIY APRS that is distributed across a dog pack or harness. Battery one side, electronics on the other, GPS and 2M whip on the spine of the harness alla first gen Garmin dog trackers... Whip may be an issue if she decides to roll over though... Maybe as a V.2


Well-known member
for a pack this would make a good base radio: http://microsat.com.pl/product_info.php?currency=USD&cPath=57&products_id=166&language=en

its only like 4"x2.7", put a GPS, antenna and 4s lipo in a lil dog harness and I could see that working pretty well.. tune a wire antenna with a plastic sheath and then stich it into the harness.

its what I been thinking of putting on a dirt bike all stealthy.. put the radio under the seat, hide gps in seat by fender and a repairable whip antenna on the back fender.. use phone for interfacing w/BT.
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Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Sorry forgot to mention in my last post. I looked at Byonics and did not see anything that was of appropriate size for a collar with GPS. For back packing and throwing a dog pack on her I could see their products working particularly with a decent sized battery that would last a couple days. Mount on the center of the pack and call it good.
I think the product you're after on his website is the MicroTrak 1000. I don't know how it compares to the Pico, but it's pretty small and runs on 3 x AA batteries. I've got a TinyTrak4 and can confirm the stuff Byon makes is high quality and works.



Well-known member
i doubt a <1w pico tracker is gong to stomp on anyone if your using it in a congested area.. the only way a digi will lock onto that lil thing's signal is if nobody else is TXing.

but yeah, given limited battery.. I'd set a very conservative reporting schedule, like 1 every 15/20mins.. if Doggos do go missing you just needa get close enough for em to hear you, knowing exactly what 10ft square they are in always seems a waste of battery.

Someone here in town has a dog tracker, I'm the primary iGate for the metro.. I regularly see someone's dog go for a walk.. IIRC its a Picotracker too and its got a path on it.


Well-known member
A co-worker of mine developed this: https://laelapsgps.com/

Mind you it's not cheap at $399.00 but take a look at what he's done, it's pretty much what you are going for.

Laelaps is powerful yet simple. It transmits your dog’s location to a Long Range Transceiver using a powerful VHF Radio signal, connected to your smartphone via Bluetooth. Real-time Tracking and Maps when you have cell service or can be downloaded ahead of time and used when you are off-grid.

NO CELL SERVICE NEEDED! Laelaps uses GPS, radio, & Bluetooth to track your dog on your phone. With hunter tested durability, 48-hour battery life, integrated UKC approved competition mode, and unmatched range, Laelaps makes sure you and your dog always stay connected.


Well-known member
the fact that doggos dont live 79 years on average like humans also makes it FAR less of a problem..


Fox hunting is a game within the ham radio world where you locate a transmitter based on it's radio signal.
Now it's not exactly GPS/APRS map tracking but perhaps another option. http://www.com-spec.com/thecatlocator/index.htm
Unfortunately they only put out 1 milliwatt but the battery last 30 days. But it is waterproof which none of the other APRS options posted above with the exception of the Laelapsgps seem very water resistant to me without an additional case.

Initial receiver cost is kind of high but additional trackers can be added fairly reasonably.

I would much rather have a GPS/mapping setup myself.
Now if you put a vest on your dog you could probably use an HT with a small aprs tracker and even a battery supply in a case for fairly cheap. Or you could just strap the Byonics Microtrak that Dave posted above to the vest.

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