Tail-End Charlie
Oh, just so everybody knows, I haven't spent any time learning the controls on this site. Hopefully I insert comments in the appropriate locations, don't delete anybody's comments, etc. Forgive me if I do, and send pointers my way if you feel inclined. Thanks!
Well technically, they aren't comments (this site is not a blog), they're posts (it's a message board a.k.a. forum).
But no worries, you can't do anything to affect the posts of others, that takes site moderator or administrator privileges which we lowly peons do not possess.
(Well...actually, you do have one godlike power over others. Since you started this thread (string of posts), you can also delete it, which would also delete whatever anyone else posted in "your" thread.
Not all forums allow that. It was a hotly contested and debated question here on ExPo. It was voted on and the site owner declined to exersize his veto, so around here, a thread's "owner" does have the "nuke it all" option.)