There is a big range of temps for freezers. anywhere from 25F down to below 0F. What range do you need? Ice cream hard? Or just keeping frozen veggies, or making ice?
The three models listed will probably run very high duty cycles (80%+) in high temps. Reliability is important, but the single biggest factor is insulation, especially the thinnest area on the case. The thinnest area (by the door usually) will create a warm spot. If at all possible add extra insulation to the unit. Flexible or rigid foam, 2"+ if possible. Focus on the thinnest areas first for the biggest gain.
The reality is that with computer controlled manufacturing, a good AC compressor will last a very long time. So I would be focusing on electronics/control. Engel is basically the gold standard in this area in my opinion. The swing compressors do produce more vibration, if that is a concern.
As far as power usage, a unit with variable compressor speed to achieve the lowest cycle rate can save 10-25%.