Atl-atl's Dodge Ram 2500 Regular Cab Long Bed "documentation" thread.


Looks like he shorted you a couple gears on the back... JK

That's a hell of a deal on that camper, it looks really clean for its age. Looking forward to seeing more.

Heh, I will admit that SS in Colorado was quite the chore. Its much better suited here in the midwest. Ill have to regear because its setup for going up mountains right now and I spin it out around 15mph haha.

As for the camper, I finally have a garage and built a cart for it so I can wheel it around. My garage is just tall enough to pop the camper inside so I can work on it relatively free of bugs and temperature controlled which is a bonus. The cart was super simple to build, got the details from another thread on here. I got the biggest casters Home Depot had, some 4x4s and 2x4s and slapped it all together. The camper is light enough that I can roll it around myself. Please pardon the messy garage, just moved in last Friday!




Very clean narrowing job by a previous owner.



Just put this over in the 'lets see some full size pictures' thread. Stopped by my buddies to compare size.

Here is my reg cab with my newly acquired four seasons and my buddies quad cab with his SunLite.



22lb cat for scale :p



ive got carli coils on my reg cab 2500 gas ram. i had the whole kit about four years, maybe they dont make them anymore? have you talked to carli?


ive got carli coils on my reg cab 2500 gas ram. i had the whole kit about four years, maybe they dont make them anymore? have you talked to carli?

Not really sure where this came from hah. I have a 2.5" leveling spacer in front and Bilstein 5160s. My truck is on 37s and my buddies truck is a cummins on 3" carli coils with 34" tires. Mine actually sits about an inch higher than his. I don't really need or want any more height!

Love the SS Gary Fisher. I ride a SS and would not have it any other way.

Thanks, agreed

They did do a nice narrow job, always a bonus when you don't have to go back and redo the PO's work.

Agreed for sure.


More stuff! Brakes

I won a contest on instagram for Powerstop brakes last fall, only took me 6 months to get them on! I didn't really believe that pads and rotors which appear similar to stock (other than fancy slots and holes in the rotors) would actually make any difference. Much to my surprise though, definitely much better braking, especially under hard braking conditions like coming down a long mountain pass when the brakes are really heated up or carrying a heavy payload. Otherwise the feel is very "normal" or stock like. Just grabby enough for daily driver duty but nothing obnoxious. Ill go ahead and recommend the Stoptech Z36 Extreme truck and tow kit! :)


If you have done brakes on an AAM rear axle you know how huge the rotor hats are and how hard they are to get off. I can't imagine what this must be like in a salty road/rust prone area. This is what my truck looks like that has spent its life in relatively rust free Colorado. I banged on the rotor for a few minutes with a 3lb and 5lb sledge with no budge whatsoever. I decided to try a different approach. (Typical internet disclaimers, don't try this at home etc.) Put the factory bottle jack in between the bumpstop mount and the inside of the rotor. Screw the jack until theres a decent amount of tension on the top of the rotor, give the lower inside of the rotor one good crack with the sledge and VOILA! off comes the rotor. No more wasting time on these puppies! :elkgrin:


Although everything is rusty its all moving freely, e-brake shoes have plenty of life, all's well back here!


New stuff is so much nicer! Anyone have stock 2500 leaf springs they need to get rid of? I have a couple broken leafs.


Other side all bolted up. I know the pad is missing, was just lining things up!


Fronts were easier than the rears.



Not really sure where this came from hah. I have a 2.5" leveling spacer in front and Bilstein 5160s. My truck is on 37s and my buddies truck is a cummins on 3" carli coils with 34" tires. Mine actually sits about an inch higher than his. I don't really need or want any more height!

Thanks, agreed

Agreed for sure.

earlier in the thread you talked about wanting to get rid of the spacer and get some springs but couldnt find any for the hemi, sorry i should have quoted it, ive got a truck very similar to yours, just trying to help


earlier in the thread you talked about wanting to get rid of the spacer and get some springs but couldnt find any for the hemi, sorry i should have quoted it, ive got a truck very similar to yours, just trying to help

Hah I totally forgot about that! My mind changes hourly, if I posted something in the past Ive changed my mind about it more times than I know haha. I apologize if I cam across like a jerk. The coil info is actually very helpful, you're the first person Ive come across that has aftermarket coils on a reg cab gasser. Do you have pics of your truck?


Rock hound
Check out for a 3" progressive rate front coil. I know they make them for my second Gen dodge...don't know why they wouldn't have one for yours.

Sent from my SM-S902L using Tapatalk


Hah I totally forgot about that! My mind changes hourly, if I posted something in the past Ive changed my mind about it more times than I know haha. I apologize if I cam across like a jerk. The coil info is actually very helpful, you're the first person Ive come across that has aftermarket coils on a reg cab gasser. Do you have pics of your truck?

ive got lots of pics, if you pm me your email i can send you some, dont wanna clog up your thread with my truck : )


Check out for a 3" progressive rate front coil. I know they make them for my second Gen dodge...don't know why they wouldn't have one for yours.

I recently learned about dodgeoffroad, I wonder why it isn't more popular, seems like halfway decent stuff and prices. Thanks for the suggestion.

ive got lots of pics, if you pm me your email i can send you some, dont wanna clog up your thread with my truck : )

Thank you and you're welcome to post a pic here hah. Ill send you my email anyway.


I recently learned about dodgeoffroad, I wonder why it isn't more popular, seems like halfway decent stuff and prices. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thank you and you're welcome to post a pic here hah. Ill send you my email anyway.
I bought from DOR and their service was great. Got one of their steering box braces, shipping was free and quick, brace was extremely well made. I will shop there again.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


New member
Dor also has more then a few complaints when it comes to lead times, communication and assembly error on his part that has given people grief. Worth doing a search on the subject and making a decision after that.

You may be able to use some of Thuren fabrication's 2" soft ride coils. While yes they were designed to yield a 2" lift it is meant for the diesel trucks, your reg can gasser may get you to a little over 3". His website has contact info and he or his other employee can answer any questions.


Oil eater.
Dor also has more then a few complaints when it comes to lead times, communication and assembly error on his part that has given people grief. Worth doing a search on the subject and making a decision after that.

You may be able to use some of Thuren fabrication's 2" soft ride coils. While yes they were designed to yield a 2" lift it is meant for the diesel trucks, your reg can gasser may get you to a little over 3". His website has contact info and he or his other employee can answer any questions.

Yeah,Thuren will give you an honest opinion and not oversell.
DOR took 5 weeks to deliver his control arms. No answer to calls or emails. Mysteriously,the arms appeared one day without notice.

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