I had one in my YJ with D35. Love/hate relationship with it. Worked great. Easy to install, youtube is great!
It ate axles, once broke both at the same time. Awesome offroad, used to trail ride in 2wd a lot. On road it was clanky, and
Hated parking! Great company to talk too. Wish I had talked to them forst. They recomend putting in the front if only doing one locker.
One thing it did act funny in the snow I thought.
You have better axles but be easy on the skinny peddle!
It ate axles, once broke both at the same time. Awesome offroad, used to trail ride in 2wd a lot. On road it was clanky, and
Hated parking! Great company to talk too. Wish I had talked to them forst. They recomend putting in the front if only doing one locker.
One thing it did act funny in the snow I thought.
You have better axles but be easy on the skinny peddle!