Australian and British bloggers arrested in Iran


Well-known member
My lack of empathy is not based on some crumbling of the moral fiber of society.

It comes from the fact I watched their channel and they had a very strange cavelier vibe like they were bored with what they were doing and just chipping away at a trust fund. That may be completely unfounded but it was present enough where I dropped viewing the content.

I don't have the jingoistic tendencies to say avoid travel in the world and rah rah US is number 1 as some seem to. But my gut reaction was not being puzzled by why them at all. I'm afraid to even bring a drone across a banana Republic border. I would not even be bringing aspirin into Iran let alone flying a drone.


Forking Icehole
My lack of empathy is not based on some crumbling of the moral fiber of society.

It comes from the fact I watched their channel and they had a very strange cavelier vibe like they were bored with what they were doing and just chipping away at a trust fund. That may be completely unfounded but it was present enough where I dropped viewing the content.

I don't have the jingoistic tendencies to say avoid travel in the world and rah rah US is number 1 as some seem to. But my gut reaction was not being puzzled by why them at all. I'm afraid to even bring a drone across a banana Republic border. I would not even be bringing aspirin into Iran let alone flying a drone.
I agree, if I ever found myself in Iran or Iraq or any other country such as they I would go beyond careful in following any and every law I could just to avoid drawing attention to myself and stay out of trouble with the authorities, but like you said these 2 had this air of entitlement or superiority in their posts and it came around to bite them, it's not a lack of empathy or a who cares attitude, more of a "they did the crime now pay the fine" attitude, sucks for them that it did occur in such a behind the rest of the world country but IMO that is their fault and now the piper demands payment!



That’s is the essence of the difference between “explorer” to “tourism/traveler”.
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Any River...Any Place
And don't even get me started on poverty. The number one cause of premature death on Earth. And in the U.S. According to the UN, more than 100,000,000 (one hundred million) were FORCED into poverty as a direct result of the LIBOR rigging global criminal conspiracy.

100M. How many will die prematurely? 10%? 20%? It could easily equal Stalin or Mao. One of the greatest genocides in human history, caused by bankers' depraved indifference.

What? 1/3 of US population was pushed into poverty over LIBOR rigging and I missed it! How did LIBOR push those into poverty, and with interest rates now going to floor are those people made whole. I think reading any news especially from biased source needs to read critically.


Well-known member
Being of the poverty class, I'm just glad he used words to explain that big number to me. Eleventy hundred millions, wasn't it?


Well-known member
i wonder if somebody ”in authority” just wanted to own a spiffy jeep and a load of travel supplies ? Plus it lt looks good on a bureaucrats employment review adding a couple pawns to the stockpile is handy during times of national disturbance.

Further, If released, hope they get a sizable bill from both governments.

A very shrewd move would be for the Iranian government to allow them to continue posting on IG and the like.
They'd still maintain total control, but think of the propaganda they could wring out of that situation.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
I have not read the whole thread, but I feel it necessary to chime in here.

I have bumped into literally hundreds of overlanders that have driven through Iran in the last ~5 years.
Every single person, without fail, lists Iran and it's people as their #1 favourite, and the country they most want to go back to.
I'm talking about people that have driven through at least 40 countries, many have driven through more than 80.
Great friends of mine that I drove through Ethiopia and Sudan with earlier this year were literally just in Iran 2 months ago, they extended their visas twice they had such a good time.

I know the media demonizes Iran, and that it's popular or common to talk down on Iran, but please, please listen to information from real people who have actually been there rather than a company who has a vested financial interest in you believing something.

I could go on, but suffiece to say the story is exactly the same in Sudan. I can't wait to go back. Hands down the friendliest people I have ever met on Earth. Nothing even compares.
(And I live in Australia/Canada, so that's saying something)




Tail-End Charlie
What? 1/3 of US population was pushed into poverty over LIBOR rigging and I missed it!

Global. And yea, missed it.

How did LIBOR push those into poverty,

That's far too complex to answer in a sound bite, or on a forum that limits posts to 10k characters per post. Global bank profiteering, economic damage, austerity measures by governments...and a thousand other second order effects.

and with interest rates now going to floor are those people made whole

Zero interest doesn't cure poverty, it increases it. The man on the street can't borrow at zero interest, nor can a mom & pop company. Zero interest is sign of very bad things.

I think reading any news especially from biased source needs to read critically.

Thanks for the tip, Captain Obvious.

I got the "100 million forced into poverty as a direct result of the libor rigging" from a UN report on poverty from some years ago (though they used the common mischaracterization of "scandal", which i don't). Good luck finding that report now...Google hides more than they show.

If you are actually interested in doing your own homework, here's a place to start...

If you're not interested in doing your own homework, and instead expect me to take the time to go back and dig up links to all the homework I've done, just to defend my claims against some snarky tweet that you tossed off...forget it. Your snark earned this much of a response but no more. You want more, show me something to indicate it's worth my time.


Well-known member
I have not read the whole thread, but I feel it necessary to chime in here.

I have bumped into literally hundreds of overlanders that have driven through Iran in the last ~5 years.
Every single person, without fail, lists Iran and it's people as their #1 favourite, and the country they most want to go back to.
I'm talking about people that have driven through at least 40 countries, many have driven through more than 80.
Great friends of mine that I drove through Ethiopia and Sudan with earlier this year were literally just in Iran 2 months ago, they extended their visas twice they had such a good time.

I know the media demonizes Iran, and that it's popular or common to talk down on Iran, but please, please listen to information from real people who have actually been there rather than a company who has a vested financial interest in you believing something.

I could go on, but suffiece to say the story is exactly the same in Sudan. I can't wait to go back. Hands down the friendliest people I have ever met on Earth. Nothing even compares.
(And I live in Australia/Canada, so that's saying something)


I don't think anyone was directing criticism toward the people of Iran, with the exception of those that compose the government.

For the most part, people can get along with each other just fine. When governments get involved, things can fall apart quickly.


Tail-End Charlie
I have not read the whole thread, but I feel it necessary to chime in here.

I have bumped into literally hundreds of overlanders that have driven through Iran in the last ~5 years.
Every single person, without fail, lists Iran and it's people as their #1 favourite, and the country they most want to go back to.
I'm talking about people that have driven through at least 40 countries, many have driven through more than 80.
Great friends of mine that I drove through Ethiopia and Sudan with earlier this year were literally just in Iran 2 months ago, they extended their visas twice they had such a good time.

I know the media demonizes Iran, and that it's popular or common to talk down on Iran, but please, please listen to information from real people who have actually been there rather than a company who has a vested financial interest in you believing something.

I could go on, but suffiece to say the story is exactly the same in Sudan. I can't wait to go back. Hands down the friendliest people I have ever met on Earth. Nothing even compares.
(And I live in Australia/Canada, so that's saying something)


I don't click like buttons.

(It seems particularly goofy here, where there is a thumbs up button, but no thumbs down button to go with it. We are only allowed to like, and forbidden to dislike?

Besides, I seem to recall reading that we've all got it backwards the Roman games thumbs up meant, "kill him" and thumbs down, "let him live".)

But if I did click like buttons, I'd click on this post. Instead, I'll just fall back to...



Forking Icehole
I don't think anyone was directing criticism toward the people of Iran, with the exception of those that compose the government.

For the most part, people can get along with each other just fine. When governments get involved, things can fall apart quickly.
Much as I don't like it I have to agree with shade, I didn't see any posts about the people, and I never said anything about the people, it's the authority or whatever passes for it that I was commenting on, the countries I have visited have universally had decent to very good people and I have enjoyed the visits, the government is what ruins trips out of country for me, and just like I said before when I visit other countries I go out of my way to follow every law I can and stay out of the eye of the law, last time I didn't it involved a stay in a total sh!thole in ensenada until the "fine" was paid, doubt there will be just a "fine" in Iran though.


Tail-End Charlie
dwh ,

I’m couriers,
With all that high words you use regarding global events, and your criticism towards everybody who don’t think as you.

What did YOU personally did to change the reality of what YOU said are more important topics.


Not much one guy can do about it, other than volunteering with the Red Cross when I was younger, and still throwing some cash their way these days.

One thing I definately do is raise awareness. No one can dispute that I do that.

Because no matter what kinds of slings and arrows come my way, I won't ever stop doing homework, and I won't ever shut up. :)


Forking Icehole
I don't click like buttons.

(It seems particularly goofy here, where there is a thumbs up button, but no thumbs down button to go with it. We are only allowed to like, and forbidden to dislike?

Besides, I seem to recall reading that we've all got it backwards the Roman games thumbs up meant, "kill him" and thumbs down, "let him live".)

But if I did click like buttons, I'd click on this post. Instead, I'll just fall back to...

A thumbs down would be totally non-PC, can't have that now can we? There is only a frowny face and a red frowny face available on the portal and that's just a sad commentary about the world in general IMO.


Not much one guy can do about it, other than volunteering with the Red Cross when I was younger, and still throwing some cash their way these days.
One thing I definately do is raise awareness. No one can dispute that I do that.

Because no matter what kinds of slings and arrows come my way, I won't ever stop doing homework, and I won't ever shut up. :)
So practically big slogans and that’s it.
your hobby is running around with a virtual torch.
Almost got me on that..

Got it..glad we cleared that.
Now we can move on.


Any River...Any Place
I got the "100 million forced into poverty as a direct result of the libor rigging" from a UN report on poverty from some years ago (though they used the common mischaracterization of "scandal", which i don't). Good luck finding that report now...Google hides more than they show.

So your defense of not having facts or report is saying “google hides more than they show”....isn’t this the grade school equivalent of “the dog ate my homework”?

Saying the LIBOR issue is too complicated for a 10,000 limit post is a straw man fallacy and also is deflecting your argument by Suggesting us pheasants here could never easily understand this issue. LIBOR is not complicated, I think how limited slip diff works or the geometry of lifted 4x4’s are more complicated. Simply put, if you need 10,000 words or more to explain how libor put 1/3 of U.S. population into poverty then either you do not understand LIBOR, banking or economics or you just need long-time to create and fabricate a story to match a baseless fact.

By the way we can agree that zero interest causes more problems than it helps, although I don’t think it causes poverty, it more stunts growth and reduces opportunity but creating poverty is a stretch. I also will agree big banks got a slap on the wrist for what they did with rigging LIBOR, have done and in some instances still do in other areas.

I will not research this for same reason I will not research if bigfoot or the loch ness monster is real or not.

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