Australian and British bloggers arrested in Iran


Well-known member
Would it? I'm American and therefore I assume that it would be stupid of me to travel in Iran. They are Australian. (Turns out she's dual British & Australian, but don't know if any of us knew that until now.) I don't know if it's necessarily as bad of an idea for Australians.
Who are Americas allies ?

However, I agree we can all travel anywhere in relative safety if we are empathetic to that countries values and culture. Maybe this event will be a huge success for these overlanders on their expedition..... reported accurately after their eventual release their blog could offer valuable insights to others wanting to run a travel blog. So sad they never heeded the advice of others from the past.

In the 1940s, 1950s Iran was a top vacation choice for Americans.
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Well-known member
To answer any of this we need to ask why does Iran hate us?

60 years ago we were welcome.
What changed...
And why.


Why does any conflict happen??? its human nature...... "it happens".... why does a cow shiat???? either way..... at some point it becomes most wise to stay out of the dung.

My prayers for these adventurers and for those doing their best to free them.


Pretty dumb even going to visit the #1 sponsor of terrorism in the world.
I hope they get out soon.
I agree, why would you travel to that country, to me that’s like going to North Korea on vacation... pretty fing stupid. Expect years hard labor, death or a limb chopped off for flying a drone in that country.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I'm cautioning everyone here to be on their Gentleman's - like behavior. Watch the fine line of politics and name calling. Remember opinions are a plentiful as rear-ends!


I agree, why would you travel to that country, to me that’s like going to North Korea on vacation... pretty fing stupid. Expect years hard labor, death or a limb chopped off for flying a drone in that country.

I think its one of different mindsets, I wouldnt go there, have no desire to go there, but then I dont go to parts of east Dallas or the third ward in Houston without carrying. Last time I spent the night in Nashville I had what seemed like dozens of hotel people tell me to be in before dark and make sure there was nothing of value left in my truck.

I am risk averse for the most part.


These are two very good, nice people who need help and prayers. How about we cut out calling them stupid and saying bad things when none of us has any clue what really went on?

They need help. If you’re Australian or British, contact your local politicians. Everyone else can send POLITE letters/faxes/emails to the Iranian ambassadors in Australia and the U.K.
the Australian Government is already well aware of thier predicament and working hard behind the scenes for thier release, but being there is already another Aussie in detention there since November, I wouldn't hold my breath for a quick release. This couple is all over mainstream media here in Australia, I have followed their travels on YouTube for quite a while now (since they shipped thier Troopy out of Australia) and would say they simply put no thought into thier actions, having done the same thing previously in countries such as Pakistan, India and many others they have driven through previously. It's likely the real reason for thier detention is more about them being used as pawns in a political crap fight then anything to do with the drone. The other Aussie lady detained there just copped a 10 year sentence our media is now reporting, that doesn't bode well for these other 2
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We live in a society where people have or think that they have certain rights.
They have a tendency to think that these rights are portable and transfer with them and apply to whatever situation they are in.

A stupid but accurate analogy is this :
I work for a major utility. When I go to work- there is a big sign that Temporarily removes many of my rights.
-right to carry a firearm-gone
-right to take pictures- severely curtailed
- right to poke my head into whatever nook and cranny I want- gone

Anyone violates these rules-men with assault rifles will be dragging you out in flexicuffs

You want to go to a foreign country and take pretty pictures? Awesome , I like looking at them from the comfort of my couch.
But when you get shot in the head because you think that a journalist should be on the front lines, or get arrested for being ignorant? Don’t expect me to get upset.

That said sometimes people that do follow the rules get caught up in dirty cop/border patrol/military issues- trying to scam a buck out of the traveler with the $2500 camera and Rolex. That does not seem to be the case here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Well-known member
yes very sad, when we started exporting oil, Iran thought we were stealing and wanted an audit to collect the royalties due, Britain said get stuffed, Iran voted democratically to nationalize their oil, the USA, Britain in 1952, backed the Iranian opposition and became a hated enemy of Iran forever.

Just think how we would react if a foreign country tried to oust our President and steal our resources.

Iran, rightly so, has no trust in the west.
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