Aux Fuel Pump Problems


New member
Wayne at Front Runner told me he has been testing pump locations and the only configuration where the pump has failed is when it is mounted 950mm above the tank outlet. Well today, my mechanic and I measured the pump's location on my tank at 880mm above the tank's outlet.

Paul at Equipt tells me his is mounted at the bottom right next to the outlet - although his tank is quite a few years older, not sure why FR would have changed the location.

I have asked Wayne to help be resolve this as it appears to be a design flaw, however my mechanic and I are preparing to fabricate and weld some angle iron around the pump and hoses if we do need to fix it ourselves. Right now we have is temporarily mounted and unprotected in order to test it over the next several weeks.

The only other thing I have suspected and others have suggested is some kind of vacuum/pressure issue. However my mechanic is convinced that if it was a vacuum/pressure issue this would cause problems in the main tank causing fuel delivery issues to the engine.

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