Avoiding virus during 10-day trip


Well-known member
Kga1978 is an expert in this stuff and has been doing a great job for San Diego. You can trust what wrote and is an excellent source.


Gentleman Adventurer
  1. I'm traveling from a very low COVID area (zero known cases in my town and very few in my state) to an extremely low COVID remote area.
  2. I've had almost no in-person contact with people since March, have practised social distancing religiously, go to no public places except groceries twice a month, always wear a mask and gloves and use sanitizer when I'm out, and have kept up on the latest scientific studies on transmission.
  3. Instead of congregating on a beach in Florida, I'm taking a solo hiking and kayaking trip to a place where I will encounter few people.
  4. Campgrounds in this area are free or have self-pay iron rangers---no contact with a campground host.
  5. I've practiced zero contact on two short camping trips this year to master the bathroom thing. Just stayed at my site and went hiking on unused trails.
  6. Why am I leaving home and why 10 days? See 1-5 plus MY SANITY.
I know there are rebuttals to the above, like "What if you have an accident or your car breaks down on the road?" It's a question of risk management. I've done everything I can do to not put others in danger and have chosen a trip that continues those practices. I'm an experienced outdoors person and camper and am especially avoiding risks at this time---no climbing cliffs.

Good hygiene is the best defense against any illness. Washing your hands is your best defense in keeping healthy against both the Chinese virus and the yearly flu. Washing your hands after using a spigot or anything you can't get the virus from is always a good practice under any circumstances.

Perhaps you should review the real ways you can get the Chinese virus and that could put your mind at ease.

For example you will not get the Chinese virus from a toilet seat . Or is it a STD.

You mention putting others in danger . "I've done everything I can do to not put others in danger"

That does mean you are sick and you risk infecting someone? Since you might be infected you should stay home and contact local health officials and get a test.

Traveling with this much angst is probably deadlier than any flu


One additional thing to consider if you're super paranoid and want to disinfect food containers and other stuff where you might not want to spray 70% ethanol, get one of these (or similar - just don't get the cheapo ones that may not actually have strong bulbs):

You can run one of these from your car battery or portable power pack.

I got one of these early on in the pandemic where we thought spread was mostly via contact and used it then, but I haven't used it lately. But again, if you want to be extra careful, this is a nice little extra thing to have!

You need a UV protected Watertank if you like to play with that. With Glas it is no problem....

Purion are doing that stuff inside of the flowline, not inside of the tank. That is the filter-part to the right, who is the UV Burner.


Avoiding people will helps very good against the virus..


Active member
You need a UV protected Watertank if you like to play with that. With Glas it is no problem

Not really (but wear UV glasses to protect your eyes). You can easily sanitize surfaces with one of these lamps as the UV will quickly destroy the genetic material (RNA in this case) by inducing photodimeric lesions in the RNA (and DNA for the bacteria that might be around). The light has to be moved somewhat slowly over the surface and it's important that all surfaces are directly hit by the light, but if done properly, it's highly effective. It just has to be an actual UV light and not some cheap Amazon product with a normal bulb and some blue light fakery.


New member
My mom and I just returned yesterday from the Netherlands, Belgium and London. I will be writing a short essay on my trip along with the guys from https://www.topwritersreview.com/reviews/kibin/ and will post it here. We consulted with our family doctor before the trip and took the same precautions we always do with trying to keep healthy while traveling.
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Officious Intermeddler
This forum would be a lot more user friendly and more enjoyable to participate in if more folks would try to be a bit more generous in giving helpful asked for advice, and not instead spend so much effort berating or belittling OP’s for their concerns or inquiries. Just sayin...

(And yeah, I’m fully aware I’m probably pointing one of those three fingers ?? back at myself too, and shall try to take my own advice to heart better too)
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Well-known member
How did it go Placidwaters?

i’m heading out for a week tommorow, staying in a hotel the first night, feeling pretty good about it having got my first Fauci oochie.

pith helmet

Well-known member
We spent 2 weeks in CO (NM didn’t want us) back in Sept and early Oct. We touched water spigots, we used gas station and rest stop bathrooms, we were careful, sanitized, etc. We shared drinks and stories around fires with people from different places who were also using reasonable caution. We had a good time.


How did it go Placidwaters? i’m heading out for a week tommorow, staying in a hotel the first night, feeling pretty good about it having got my first Fauci oochie.

Fauci oochie, haha! Sorry I didn't see the updates in this thread earlier. Well, last year I put a huge amount of time into planning a 10-day trip and pandemic modifications I would have to make. I was counting on that trip to relieve months of bad stuff that happened in 2020 (personally, nationally, globally). Just as I was about to start packing, I learned that the campground that was the main highlight of the trip was closed due to the pandemic. On top of that, both the area where I live and where I wanted to travel to changed from "very low risk" to "very high risk" and travel restrictions were imposed. I had to cancel my trip.

At the present time, we're knee deep in a new wave, but it has come to feel like the new normal. We now know more about how the virus spreads and more about effective masks, etc., and those who want to be protected have found ways to stay safe and deal with things like bathrooms on the road. I'm still alive, so what I'm doing is working. [To mep1811, I am not and was not sick.] According to studies out last week, we're 80% protected two weeks after the first dose, which I've just had. A month from now I'll have my second vaccination. So I'll feel comfortable returning to short camping trips now, but the 10-day trip will have to wait until fall.

Thank you to everyone who provided tips and information. It was all helpful and I'm sure I'll be using some of the suggestions. I might never use a campground bathroom or shower again.


SE Expedition Society
FWIW, we did four 9-day camping trips last year and lots of shorter ones.
Have 4 more booked for this year and have done two shorter ones already.
We use most of the mentioned mitigations, have plenty of 75% spray and Lysol wipes handy, masking when appropriate.
We're also both vaxxed. I got my second shot in mid February and my wife got hers a few weeks ago.

Hang in there.


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