Awning verses an ez up


Kapitis Indagatoris
This is what I am currently using

but I was thinking an awning would be nice.

just wondering if an awning is really that much better.


Awnings are great when setting up a remote camp to get out of the weather, can even be a tent with the wall kit. Most are fairly light weight and can easily be damaged by wind or snow. And, you have to tear it down when wanting to move out.

Easy-up tents are cheap, easy but bulky in or on a vehicle. They also can be used as a basic tent with the wall kit and can be left at a campsite when exploring so no need to keep tearing it down. Can also become a missile during a wind storm and if not secured. Most have poor tent material that is subject to holes, tears and generally good for a season or two.

We have several of both. I love the one on our cruiser for exploring and setting up for camp to get out of the sun. The pop-up awnings we use at events and I wouldn't mess with carrying one into the back country. Good luck.


Expedition Leader
In a group, I like the EZ Up style of canopy. We can move the camp chairs around to stay in the shade. With an awning attached to the vehicle, the awning only works part of the day unless you want to move the vehicle. But with everything there are pros and cons to each.
I go back and forth. I have an ARB awning, good quality, I can set it up solo if it’s not windy. Also have a RR Batwing 270 with the walls, works well providing you use the poles and stake it securely...don’t ask me how I know. ? Both of these are mounted on a rack so no cargo space is taken up.

I've also used an EZ-Up, misnamed if you’re doing it by yourself. Agree with all of the aforementioned different uses but again, must be securely staked. I watched one get airborne about 80’ at an OEX Mormon Lake, almost killed someone when it landed.

I’m leaning towards one of the ”self supporting” 270 awnings. Easy to deploy and doesn't require staking unless really starting to blow, in which case the other approaches won’t work either. But the price ?. Buy once, cry once?

As to your question: I prefer the awnings when offroad.


New member
I tried hard to figure out a way to do an awning coming off of our Tuff Stuff bed rack but can't come up with a placement that works to my satisfaction. So I used an E-Z Up in our mini-monsoon inaugural RTT campout last weekend. I liked the flexibility of moving the EZ Up where the pad was. They are not hard to secure to the ground and, as noted, the wall kit adds more protection as needed. I am now trying to devise an easier way to secure it to the rack or in the bed so it's immediately accessible after the RTT/Annex is up.


While I don’t use my awning all that much, I’d rather have the room in my truck for other things. My vote would be awning that you don’t have to lug around over a bulky EZ-up.


Expedition Leader
How long do the 270 awnings take to set up and put away

Tested a buddy's 270 awning and it was quick to deploy, but slow to pack due to not squeezing back into the bag so easily. Perhaps I needed more practice, but my buddy said it was slow to pack up also. Sorry, forgot which brand.


Beach Bum
Currently debating a simple 2M awning versus a 270, so many options and quite the range in terms of price point.


As many others have noted, the convenience of an awning is that it takes less time to deploy or take down, which for me is always something I'm striving for as a photographer that moves locations frequently. The EZ-up offers more protection but it takes forever to set-up and tear down. Also it takes up a ton of space in the vehicle. Overall, I would only opt to bring an EZ-up (and have before) if I know I will be at a single location for several days.


I have both and use both when I'm trailer camping so they have their place. The awning on Adrenaline is substantial and takes some time to deploy, especially with the walls. Canvas walls eat up a huge amount of my tongue box. My ez up style of awning is made by Coleman and weighs around 75# so it's no joke. It's beefy, heavy and durable; I've been using for 10+ years. Setting it up is easier and so is hanging up the walls. This thing can be hauled easily with a camper and the walls take up hardly any space. Both awnings need to be anchored and protect us from the element but the Colmean unit is a fraction of the cost of a typical 270deg awning.

So, it's a tough call but I'd say a trailer attached 270deg awning is easy to deploy and always ready to go vs having to unload it, open it, then set it up. Making a lunch stop in the heat of the day is easier with a 270deg awning vs a self standing, for ex. If the @Boatbuilder79 doesn't have a trailer, then it's a tough call with a free standing awning due to the huge amount of space suck.

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