The "shooting gallery" was an absolute wreck. Several Toyota folks loaned their time specifically to clean that area. One side of the area was a sea of plastic shotgun shells, the other was awash in sheet metal, pallets and target props of all kind. Damned old mess. We hauled out, by my estimate, somewhere in the neighborhood of two tons of garbage. Couches, chairs, entertainment centers, bottle (some squid actually dumped Zima bottles, the horror) if it was crap, it was there. We got as much as we could.
Unfortunately, after four of these cleanups that I have attended, it's the same old stuff. Cars (yes, cars, mostly rolled and stripped), furniture, cheap beer bottles and spent casings. Plan for this area to be closed and subsequently developed when the real estate market picks back up, the scumbags are outnumbering the folks who actually care.
I didn't take any pics, me and my daughter stayed busy picking up garbage. A local Toyota club member went back a few weeks after, reported that it stayed mostly clean after the effort of what seemed to be only a few people. It was actually a bit disappointing for me, I've watched the number of folks out there cleaning dwindle substantially. The first year I went, there was somewhere in the number of 60 rigs and twice as many volunteers. This year, albeit this being the Fall clean up, there was maybe 30 rigs. ******.
Sorry for the soapbox, filthy no account ****************** pigs stand on my last nerve.