Baby Carriers


We started with the Infantino Flip Carrier which was really good when the little one was too small to hold her head up. Then we upgraded to two Keltys - the FC 3.0 and the TC 2.0. For less than a couple hours in the pack, the non-frame TC is my favorite because it's light, small, and fits tight against my back. For anything longer than that, the framed FC is the way to go.


We used a Baby Bjorn for the first one for about 18mo as she liked to face forward and not doing so induced much rage. After 18mo she insists on walking or just sitting on my shoulders. Its a lot slower, but she sees a lot more of the interesting creepy-crawlies and 'texture' of where we are. Every flower must be sniffed.

Second is quite happy on Amy's back with an Ergo at first, now upgraded to a 'Kinder-carry' which is similar but with custom sizing on the straps and baby bag (Ergo strapping was too big for Amy and the bag area was getting a bit small).

We did try a frame carrier, with the REI house-brand being the lightest that fit well, and it works well for faster/longer hikes, but the clientele gets a bit rowdy and has easy access to my skull.



We got a Belle carrier for the front (made in Colorado, very comfortable for both baby and parent, controls movement well. My son rode in it until he was close to a year and a half (we preferred it over a stroller for out and about around town where the backpack is too much).

We have a Vaude backpack that we picked up on sale from a local outdoor store for less than the Kelty one that everyone gets. We tried them side by side and this is an easy winner. Better construction, more comfortable, supports the critter better. I haven't gotten a chance to compare it to the Deuter packs. It's super comfortable. My son actually fusses when we get home or back to the truck and take him out. We started using this at around 6 months, and he's 18 months now, still going strong. He likes to get out and go at his own pace sometimes, but we're happy to have the pack for when it's time to move along.



New member
I loved the Baby Trekker. We used it with all three of our kids. It worked well with infants and toddlers. When they got to be more than about 30 pounds, we switched to a frame carrier for longer hikes. The Trekker is very comfortable for both the child and the parent.


New member
Good work dude I think BabyBjorn is right option for the kids.
I also found it better in the house than the outdoor.


Rendezvous Conspirator
I have a Deuter Kid Comfort II that I bought lightly used from another forum member. I used it a few more times and thought it was really comfortable, but my baby girl grew too darn fast! She's now over 30 lbs and with the added weight of water, camera, and a lunch, the pack now weighs more than my normal ultralight backpacking rig that I use for a week's trip.

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I went up to a baby store and tried on a bunch of the different soft carriers, none of them really fit. A couple I could get on but left very limited room for my Son. He is a 3 month old 17lbs baby, takes after dad....

I ended up picking up a Kelty FC style carrier with the sunshade etc used at a garage sale for $75 bucks. He fits in it ok but I don't think he is quite strong enough to support my bouncing around, but next month when we head to the olympic mountains it should work great.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
So your 2.5mo is now more like 5mo now, but I carried my 3 boys everywhere in front carriers and LOTS and LOTS of backpacking.

My favorite backpack for about 7 months on-up well into 2 years is the Snugli. It collapses, is reasonable price-wise, is light enough but really securely fits the kids in, is good for airports &c.


I then had two Keltys for when they got bigger, but they were too bulky for air travel and squeezing in the last minute.


I'd say the Bjorn is harder on the back and mom has already suffered too many back pains from pregnancy.


Thought I should report back! The kelty FC worked great for our trip! He loved it! He is much larger than most kids his age so at 4 months (18lbs) he fit fine. When he fell asleep it didn't support his head very good so we stuff a couple small blankets around him to support himself better in it.

We used it a ton that trip but honestly haven't used it since :(
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Photographer in the Wild
We used and still have the Deuter something 2 as well and it was great while she was younger. our daughter out grew it pretty fast.


We used a Tough Traveller baby backpack (framed backpack, not soft) through hundreds of miles and 4 children. Then we gave it to some relatives and they're still using it.

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