Not really worried. The offroad rally guys use the same system to mount their radiators on the back. But i`m going to put in some valves to seal that circuit if there is a leak.
"Ralley Guys" but don't they replace stuff so often that is a bit of a mute point? Great idea on putting in valves to be able to shut down part of a circuit.Not really worried. The offroad rally guys use the same system to mount their radiators on the back. But i`m going to put in some valves to seal that circuit if there is a leak.
Aren't you worried about that copper vibration hardening and cracking over time? Guess the question is how much time?
Nice gear room!!
Those wood skis with the ski track down them, are those DIY? They look very familiar from reading a DIY ski forum....
Kennst du einen zulieferer fuer das allrad system am Sprinter? Ganz speziel die achsmanschetten und fahrwerks komponenten vorne. Danke im voraus!
does the decal on the side of the van say "Super F-er 2000" ???