Bad Parenting


I don't think the top would really matter, but when I take my kids (age 4 and 7) out, whether it's around the block or offroad, their doors have to stay on. They complain all the time if I have mine off and they don't, but until they get older that's the rule.


Expedition Leader
BTW "Streetwolf", you can just go ahead and skip right over this sub-forum next time.

I don't think the top would really matter, but when I take my kids (age 4 and 7) out, whether it's around the block or offroad, their doors have to stay on. They complain all the time if I have mine off and they don't, but until they get older that's the rule.

I saw a guy a little while ago, I think he had a 2 door. He'd removed the factory back seats, and installed these little mini-racing-buckets and 5 point belts. Seemed to be the best way to go.


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
Best option would be not bringing the little tumors along to begin with.




Cynical old bastard
I raised my eldest pretty much from birth but when she was a toddler my ex wife (her mother) managed to get supervised access. That was cool as someone was there to protect my daughter. Just prior to her getting unsupervised access about three years back I raised a point about here driving standards with the court/judge. It was pretty much ignored so I dug my heels in and played stubborn about here driving young 'un anywhere. Two weeks before they finally broke me the ex was killed in a car crash - she overtook at 70 on a bling bend in the dark. I have truly never known anyone as aggressive at driving who cared so little about something so precious.

I am over protective about both my girls - the eldest has a half sister now. They are my life, why would I not be? I find it so hard to deal with folk who do not treat thier kids the way they should be - hell they are the future. I also bear in mind that my girls will no doubt chose my retirement home :yikes:


My ex wife's sister just uprooted her 4 kids and moved them 3 hours away from all family and friends so she could be closer to her new boyfriend, who currently resides in state prison in Phoenix, AZ on gang related drug and violence offences.

My 16 year old ex-nephew (hate to refer to him that way) showed up 2 days later at my ex's door step. He now lives with her and she's petitioning for legal guardianship.


Expedition Leader
My sister-in-law's son just learned to walk, and is still in that stage when he will fall frequently on perfectly flat ground. We went camping with them and she couldn't understand why we kept pulling him away when he walked past the campfire.


we were hiking over the weekend with the twins (big boy in moms back-carrier/backpack/hiking thingy...super jealous! little girl in snuggy bouncin off my belly and spuring me on!)...

we stopped for a rest at the 2 mile comes this group of lesser-prospropus (white trash hill-billy)...with grandma yellin to the little boy on the bike to be carefull she already has too many grey hairs...seconds later as hes right infront of us (no one within 10ft) he rolls off the edge of the path..and begins a STEEP decent down the hill towards the creekbed 20ft below..

his mom grabbed him JUST before he really got any speed up,,knocked the bike over and pulled him from under it...

we couldnt do ANYTHING for the kid..we were both packed down with our own and I wasnt gonna dive for this kid and have his bike helmet ********** me or my little one in the face cus his parents wernt keeping him close enough,,,kid got REALLY lucky...I felt bad...but I wasnt gonna risk mine for thier lack of ability...:drool:


Earlier this summer my wife, daughter and some friends go camping up near Boca Reservoir Tahoe. We are there for about 30 min. when a woman comes running up hesterical looking for a cell phone. I ask her to tell me what is going on. She says her 5 year old son is missing. So, I give her my cell.

She calls 911. After she is off the phone, I start asking more questions, where he was last seen what he was wearing, etc. Turns out he was out ride dirt bikes with some other kids and was separated at some point. So, My friend and I jump in my rig and head out to start running the trails to see if we can find him. I come across the other kids he was out riding with and the oldest one was 9..... yeah 9.

I am all for getting the kids out and having them explore. And I am all about teaching them early to ride or what ever you are into. But for petes sakes, have some one responsible to watch them.

The kid finally showed up after being missing for a couple of hours. My wife was able to get a hold of me and we came back from looking.

They were very thankful for us going out looking and said they were going to look into radios for the helmets. I also recommended looking into Garmin Rhino series for the kids and the SPOT system. Although I have no idea if Spot would really work for them.... But got me thinking for when my kids get older.


Expedition Leader
Few sundays ago at the local botanical gardens. We see a lady pull up next to us in the parking lot driving a van, her and another woman her age with 5 or 6 kids. Her plates were SURRGT or something to that effect.

Girl and I have a nice little picnic, wine, cheese, fruit, chocolate, dog is playing about, we see these 3 or 4 kids playing around a lily pond, with the same two ladies less than ten feet away talking to themselves and paying very little attention.

It gets quiet for maybe 15-30 seconds or so and then we hear one of the ladies panic, the smallest kid cant be seen. He was 3 or 4 yrs old, fell into the lily pond and dropped like a stone, one of them reaches in and pulls out the kid, who isnt crying at this point. Took him a few seconds before he cleared his lungs and started wailing.

Yup you got it surrogate moms, one kid almost drowned, a girl maybe 8 or 9 had an arm in a cast. All the kids had different ethnic backgrounds as well.

I wanted to give the ladies the benefit of the doubt that they were helping out these kids, but then I read that most fostermoms do it purely for the welfare and child support from the state. I'm hoping that is not the majority.


Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
.... but then I read that most fostermoms do it purely for the welfare and child support from the state. I'm hoping that is not the majority.


From my experience, it's not. My parents did foster care for over 20 years, newborns to 5 year olds. (occasionally an older sibling, so the kids weren't split up)

Most of the foster care families then were in it for the kids.

Things may have changed, but I hope not. Hopefully the ones you saw are the exception, and not the norm.

Most of the kids my parents got had been taken away from thier natural parents (some were given up for adoption) Now there are some stories of 'bad parenting':Wow1:

But those stories don't fit here, becuase they weren't 'outside and on the trail'. Now if we're talking about the bar scene and bad partenting, I could tell you some stories!:Wow1:


I took my son camping at Leo Carrillo state beach, one of my favorite surf spots. He was three years old at the time. We were alone, down on the beach. He had ridden his bike, and I'd ridden my skateboard down from our campsite to check out the rocks at low tide. He fell in the water, slicing his hand on a cluster of new limpets, the cut bleeding profusely, and he was crying and shivering from the cold water. I removed his wet cotton shirt, and coaxed him to wrap his hand in his t-shirt, and ride his bike with me as fast as possible back to the camper, where I could stop the bleeding and get him a band-aid. He flatly refused. So, I picked him up with one arm, grabbed the bike, and kicked the skateboard out in front of me. The bleeding started to get worse, and he started to scream louder, so I decided that to skate at a little faster than walking pace, in order to get there quicker, was a better idea than walking.

I no sooner stepped up on the board, when a nut from a nearby oak tree got stuck under the wheel, stopped the board short, and we both went flying! He landed about ten feet in front of me, on his chest and face. I had kept his helmet on him, so that had protected his head. He now had road rash on his lips, chin, and chest, a bloody hand, screaming bloody murder, and everyone within eyesight thought I was the stupidest dad in the world, which, for that moment, I surely was.

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
....., and everyone within eyesight thought I was the stupidest dad in the world, which, for that moment, I surely was.

We all have our moments, and kids don't come with instruction manuals!:elkgrin:

The difference is, you were trying to do it right! Some folks either just don't get it, or just don't care.

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