Bad@ss Tents

beef tits

Well-known member

These look like a really cool concept but their site is lacking a lot of information. Pricing also appears very reasonable compared to others out there. I am interested in one for the sole reason that if it truly only adds 4" to the top of the vehicle then I could still park in my garage. 5" is approaching too thick unless loaded with cargo and will hit the header above my door.

It's a new company and they appear to be not great at getting all the right info out there yet. Hoping that changes.

Does anyone know;

- The mattress appears to be spec'd at 1" thick. That is pretty slim. Can a thicker mattress be used? Is there room inside that 4" tall shell?
- On the same note, is there any space at all inside for bedding with that thing closed?
- Install videos show the bottom of the tent being removed while the crossbars are put into place, but the video mentions nothing about install or removal of the bottom. How does this go in and out? Is it weathertight?

Irrelevant but related;
- Lastly, and snarkily... I can look past this if it ticks my other boxes but the name and branding is terrible IMO. It's like Guy Fieri came up with it. ...Generic and appealing to low-IQ folk.


They are interesting and I have the same questions you do. Have you tried contacting the company? On your last point, I agree, but given your avatar and forum handle I wonder if you're serious.


That branding is awful.. It's been a while since I was 14 and I wouldn't want anything labeled "ASS" on my vehicle. They say US made if you manage to make it to the site, but it comes off sounding like another generic import company.

beef tits

Well-known member
Wow, about 16 hours after I posted this, I found a "rugged" model for sale online locally. Brand new never used. This is the one that I was eyeing anyway. Still had plastic wrapping on it. What the hell? Why not? I picked it up yesterday morning at a very nice discount over buying one new. Seller was leaving the country unexpectedly.

The build quality is okay for what it is. Overall it's a pretty simple design. The mattress is awfully thin and uncomfortable but there really isn't any room inside to fit anything more. Will have to move bedding in and out nightly. At 4" thin and 113 lbs I would say the next comparable tent on the market was the Superlight GFC and the Rugged seems to be better built. At least it does not have a fabric outer shell.

The tent really does pop up and close super fast, like 10 seconds up, 30 seconds down. Not including bedding removal.

The advantages of this tent are the light weight and the fact that I can park in my garage with it on the GX. I think if you want a more comfortable setup it really is only possible with a taller tent. I have about ½" of clearance to my garage header with it on top.

I do think the design is more innovative than most other hard shell tents out there, short of maybe terrapod & GFC, and it does feel very sturdy to lay inside of.

Unfortunately, the horrendous "************" logo is sewn into the fabric on both sides. This is only visible when the tent is popped.
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beef tits

Well-known member
Update; this thing is a hot pile of garbage. The whole assembly is held down with two rubber bands that pop off on the highway. The tent bottom panel is three separate piece that are an absolute nightmare to put back together. I would not buy this again.


I'm still giggling that "beef tits" doesn't like the branding :D

But yeah, I totally agree, and would not want that logo on my stuff.

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