beef tits
Well-known member

BA Tents - rooftop tents for every outdoor adventure Down to earth, but still above
We’ve engineered ************ Tents for people who live for the next adventure. Call us at (858) 842-1855

These look like a really cool concept but their site is lacking a lot of information. Pricing also appears very reasonable compared to others out there. I am interested in one for the sole reason that if it truly only adds 4" to the top of the vehicle then I could still park in my garage. 5" is approaching too thick unless loaded with cargo and will hit the header above my door.
It's a new company and they appear to be not great at getting all the right info out there yet. Hoping that changes.
Does anyone know;
- The mattress appears to be spec'd at 1" thick. That is pretty slim. Can a thicker mattress be used? Is there room inside that 4" tall shell?
- On the same note, is there any space at all inside for bedding with that thing closed?
- Install videos show the bottom of the tent being removed while the crossbars are put into place, but the video mentions nothing about install or removal of the bottom. How does this go in and out? Is it weathertight?
Irrelevant but related;
- Lastly, and snarkily... I can look past this if it ticks my other boxes but the name and branding is terrible IMO. It's like Guy Fieri came up with it. ...Generic and appealing to low-IQ folk.