The lift rods will increase suspension stiffness and have an impact on handling. You are basically increasing the spring rate to raise the vehicle.
I just wanted to correct this: based on the nature of inflating air spring from a source with higher pressure, this is a very common misconception when it comes to air springs.
When you lift or lower an air sprung vehicle, you are
not changing the pressure in the air springs. A 5700 lb vehicle will require a certain pressure within the 4 air springs to counteract this weight, that is to maintain a specific height. If you add more air to the air springs - increase the volume of air - the vehicle will sit higher, but will still require the same pressure to counteract the unchanged vehicle weight. If you lower the vehicle, you reduce the volume of air in the air springs, but the pressure remains constant once again.
All of this seems counterintuitive because we are used to dealing with things like balloons or tires. In a balloon, though, only the pressure of the expanding rubber counteracts the air pressure - and like a rubber band, the more the balloon is expanded the greater the force required to expand further becomes. Tires are similar to balloons in that the pressures we run the tires at are much higher than the pressure required to lift the vehicle. When tires are inflated to operating pressure, we are working against the expanding rubber/compressing air rather than the vehicle weight. If you deflate a tire on a vehicle completely and then reinflate the tire slowly, you'll see that the greatest amount of lifting takes place over a relatively constant tire pressure, and this pressure is relatively low compared to operating pressures (depending on the vehicle weight, tire size, etc). Tires are not the ideal example objects, though, as air springs roll or unroll over a piston when the height is changed so the mechanical properties of the rubber spring do not play a significant part in the raising or lowering process whereas tires kink and fold as they deflate or inflate.
All a bit O/T (sorry...), but not insignificant if you are trying to modify the height of an EAS equipped vehicle.