Baja 2022

It is 2022 and I am heading back to Baja and it is time to sort my long term camping gear to see what I have and what I need in preparation for loading out the van for the trip. I will posting updates to this trip along the way on the YouTube #Shorts feed so I invite you to subscribe to be notified when they are posted. Will also post here when I can.

Baja 2022 Van Load Out
We are currently in La Ventana. We did the long drive down in three 7 to 9 hour days. It will be a much slower trip home. Currently it is 72 and sunny with a stiff breeze. Will be posting short one minute videos of the trip when I can. Here are the first three.

The drive south

Calexico to Gonzaga Bay

Conception Bay
We are in Loreto for a few days to pick up our wives at the Loreto airport, resupply and shower before heading back to the beaches. The roads have been rough, the Gigantica Mountains challenging, and the beaches beautiful.

La Paz to San Evaristo

On the Water

San Evaristo to Ciudad Constitution
We are safely to our home in Oregon after spend 30 days soaking up the sun in Baja. It was a great trip. Woke up to six inches of snow in Winnemucca NV on our way home. We were not happy campers that morning.

A few more short videos of the trip.

Ciudad Constitution to Timbabichi

Timbabichi to Ciudad Constitution

Grocery Shopping

The full trip report about our travels in Baja is now up on our travel blog. There are lots more photos there from the trip as well. Here is the short version.

It was windy when we arrived on the beach at Rancho Grande.

We stopped in La Paz on our way back north from La Ventana.

Our camp south of San Evaristo.

We spent four days on a deserted beach somewhere near Tembabichi.

We spent three days on the beach at Juncalito.

Plus more beach days at Playa Cocos where we enjoyed a beautiful sunrise.

The shell beach at Punta Chivato is amazing. The shells are piled about five feet deep.

The town square at San Ignacio.

The interaction with the whales was the highlight of the trip for my wife.
Whale and Ann.jpg

We were welcomed back to the northwest with an overnight snow storm in Winnemucca, Nevada.


Why are you "noobi's" so dumb that you name & photo the cool locations in Baja that you have camped?!? Chance are better than not... That when you return to your "beautiful special place" next time it will be a total ****hole! Why? BECAUSE OF YOUR EGO!!!

You "van life" folks don't have any focus further away than how far you can hold your Iphone for a meme!
I'm guessing Baja turned into a total **************** when you arrived in your double decker studebaker!
Why are you "noobi's" so dumb that you name & photo the cool locations in Baja that you have camped?!? Chance are better than not... That when you return to your "beautiful special place" next time it will be a total ****hole! Why? BECAUSE OF YOUR EGO!!!

You "van life" folks don't have any focus further away than how far you can hold your Iphone for a meme!

That’s funny.
I come from the same generation and background as Joaquin Suave. You know, my first 4x4, a 69 FJ40 with no “essential” add-ons because they didn’t exist. I do admit to ecstasy when I first heard about locking diffs in the late 80s.

The mind-boggling size of the SoCal conurbation (>25M!) is obvious from the air. Don’t you all think it’s better to let the literally thousands discover whatever nice quiet peaceful bits of Baja that are left, for themselves?

It appears obvious to me that the OP is running a business (apologies in advance if I’m wrong) and drumming up business supersedes all other considerations. Notwithstanding considerations about noncitizens of the EUM doing business in the country….(again apologies in advance if I’m wrong).
I travel for fun and post the videos, trip reports, and photos so that people, who will never go to the places I do, can enjoy them vicariously. None of the places I show are secret. They are all well documented and known by others who have found and written about them here on Expo and other places including the many books written about Baja before there was an internet. May the Blessings Be.


Oil eater.
I come from the same generation and background as Joaquin Suave. You know, my first 4x4, a 69 FJ40 with no “essential” add-ons because they didn’t exist. I do admit to ecstasy when I first heard about locking diffs in the late 80s.

The mind-boggling size of the SoCal conurbation (>25M!) is obvious from the air. Don’t you all think it’s better to let the literally thousands discover whatever nice quiet peaceful bits of Baja that are left, for themselves?

It appears obvious to me that the OP is running a business (apologies in advance if I’m wrong) and drumming up business supersedes all other considerations. Notwithstanding considerations about noncitizens of the EUM doing business in the country….(again apologies in advance if I’m wrong).
I'm 72 and began traveling to Baja since 1966. No amount of loose lips around the fire with a couple of shots and a beer has done the damage as the internet. If you're tired of crowds getting larger stay off the internet and talk about it around the fire at best.
In the episode we cross the border and do a three day 900 mile run down to La Ventana where we stopped for a few days and enjoyed watching the windsurfers.


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