I think I'll go with some AGM 6V's for my house batteries by Crown. I found them online. I'd spend about $500 for a 220aH bank and about $1000 for a 390aH bank. I'll keep the winch and compressor on my starter batteries. If I'm using a maximum of 85aH/day and more realistically about 40-50aH/day, should I save my money and go with the smaller bank? I have a 150W panel that produces 8amps. Handy Bob says, "Regardless of how much power you use, you need nearly 3% of your total battery storage amp hour capacity in charging amps in order to successfully charge those batteries. With less, you can’t equalize." I'd be in the safe zone with the 220aH bank because I only need 6amps for that bank, while I'd need 11amps (a second panel) to successfully charge the 390aH bank under his philosophy.
What do you guys think, should I save my money with the size of system I'm realistically going to use in this van? I'm not watching TV, or microwaving, or using an electric kettle. I do like overkill, but from what my research is telling me, 390aH is overkill for my needs, don't you think?
What do you guys think, should I save my money with the size of system I'm realistically going to use in this van? I'm not watching TV, or microwaving, or using an electric kettle. I do like overkill, but from what my research is telling me, 390aH is overkill for my needs, don't you think?