I'm wanting to mount a battery in the back of my Suburban in the bottom of the spare tire well is. My plan is to weld a battery tray in the bottom of the well, so I can bolt the battery in place. I also plan to build an sleeping platform that will cove the battery, but will still provide a access door. The battery would be used to power a future fridge, 12v lights for camping, and a small inverter for small 110 devices. I guessing I should use a sealed battery? Do I need to provide any cooling to it (small 12v fa)? Also, my plan is to use this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009Z6CW7O/ref=as_li_ss_il?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B009Z6CW7O&linkCode=as2&tag=knowledgepubc-20 to charge the battery at camp sights. I am going to make a stand and mount it under my roof rack when transporting. Am I missing anything? Is this a bad idea?