Well it definitely looks better!
I hear you on the littering. I've been seeing more and more in the last couple years close to home. More and more people are moving in for high tech jobs from the south and mid west, and camping spots and river play spots are starting to look more like places I've been in the south. Lots of trash thrown out and a lot more cigarette smokers throwing butts out. It is infuriating. We witnessed a lot of it the other weekend playing at the river. Of course we went back with trash bags and picked up their **** but I fear it is just getting worse and worse. This is after I spent 30 minutes picking up cigarette butts in and around our camp sites after my 15 month old picked up a cigarette butt and tried to put it in her mouth.
That's disgusting and sad to hear that its juts as prevalent out there. At some point here I'd like to invest in a Trasharoo so I can pick up even more than I do now, but if I spent all my time picking up trash I'd probably never have an opportunity to get out and do anything.
Looks like a fun weekend! I've been following your build, because its similar to how I want to set my truck up. I just wanted to caution you on the below statement:
Rifles and shotguns are expensive and have great resale value so they're big theft targets. Even if the cases are empty, they're usually easily recognized as gun cases. I'd hate to see someone screw up your rack system or otherwise mess up your truck trying to cut them off the rack. If it were me, I'd find a way to hide the guns inside the truck somehow, perhaps under the rear seats?
Thank you for the compliments! I also appreciate the insight, I hadn't considered the theft aspect of things. Right now behind the back seats are being used to store my recovery gear. I suppose I could move that to some cases on the roof to make the space but the unfortunate reality is that I need to free up some space somehow. I'm sure I'll gain more utility when I build the platform and drawers for the bed, but I don't see that alleviating all of the issues. I guess sometimes all you can do is do your best to discourage theft and after that just have to rely upon the gradually declining goodness of humanity to be decent folks. Having had some things stolen from me in the past I totally get where you are coming from.