Be blunt: is this forum out of my league? (TT modified for off road use)


Well-known member
I was on a forum for boon dockers for a few months. That really changed my mind about what boon docking was. Most of the discussion was about free disposal of black water.... dumping without getting caught or what to say when a land owner accuses you of squatting plus where to squat without getting caught and how to over stay your welcome. I really never knew parasites like that existed but I'll never claim to be a boon docker.


Viking with a Hammer
Sounds like you're ahead of the curve here. Heck there's a Sprinter van forum here. Also half of the people at ''Expo East'' got stuck in mud. Not to underestimate mud or anything, but hilarious at the same time. There's even fullsize Dodge guys here, that don't even know that their front drive shaft spins in 2wd, lolz.

Using common Tt's and campers as a base for an expo build is actually a great idea. We need more of that. Upgrade what needs upgraded, and rock on.

There's expo companies selling piss poor, slightly more durable, campers and trailers to the expo crowd for 5 times the cost of a regular camper. ''Expo look'' madness, paired with yuppie nonsense.

Some campers can be beefed up. Heck some small tt's could even be a donor box on the back of an LMTV. And in the case of fullsize trucks, sliding a decent camper into the bed gets you 90% of the way there.


Active member
lol! We do 3 day trips with our """"""expedition"""" trailer. I'd rather tinker with the trailer then actually camp ********


Just got back from my snow camping trip to find these very encouraging replies -- thanks for being so inclusive, and I will be posting trip reports and photos whenever possible.

And if anyone has a foolproof way to avoid tracking slush into the trailer when snow camping, I would sure like to hear it! We have brushes, and astroturf, and walk-off mats, and so forth. But hiking boots seem to attract wet snow.


Well-known member
Glad to see you here.
There are others in the world, North America in particular, that do/want to do what you are already up to. Go for extended trips with some level of comfort. Use the trailer as a base camp, and go hike, bike, explore etc. Get a bit off the beaten path. I found my way here via the popupportal. A few folks sent me in this direction when i was trying to find out of anyone manufactures a trailer that isn't made with staples, caulking, and particle board.

Frankly, unless you are top of middle class (or better), or comfortable with huge debt, or both, it has struck me that you are going to have to make due with modified consumer grade hardware if you actually want to do something other than work to pay it all off. Or be handy enough to build your own from scratch.

Lets see pictures of your adventures. They are probably more extreme than what the average half ton 4x4 sees in its lifetime.

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