Beauty and Beast Bouncing Along In Big Bend


Great photos, we really enjoyed them. Any chance those sheep may have been Aoudad? My eyes are too poor to be relied upon but the coloration and horns looked a little different from bighorns. We encountered four or five when hiking Pine Canyon a few years back and the rangers got all fired up about exotics moving into the NP from BB Ranch when we reported it. Either way, kind of neat to run across something like that.

I would say they were Aoudads, or Barbary Sheep as they are also called. We got the education on them after finding some horns in the State Park on an earlier trip. The horns just sweep back where the sheep would curl around. Here's a better shot.

It was just easier to call it a sheep in the post than confirm the spelling of Aoudad. Good eye.


Appreciate the confirmation and the second photo - that one I can see. The variety of wildlife and open spaces you folks have out west is just amazing to this southeastern farm boy. Thanks for letting us visit with you.


Very cool pictures. And great report.

Can you tell me if the Subaru got a lot of pinstripping? How about you? Did you get a lot?

Thanks for the comments. The Subaru got a little pin striping from pushing the side of the trail to avoid rocks. Most of the National Park it wasn't a problem. The truck got some in the State Park. Much narrower in there, and with the trailer I need to swing a little wider on some of the corners.
Thanks for the response. I am not surprised you both got pinstripping. I have been to Big Bend twice and got pinstripping both tines on the trails and was not too fond ot it, lol. But it is truly unavoidable if one gets on the trails at Big Bend, especially at the state park.

I am leaving for Big Bend on the 20th of this month. My plan is to leave after work. I get off work at 8pm, get home and load up my suv and hit the road at 10pm. Driving all night long and plan to drive straight to the restaurant at the Chisos basin for breakfast at 7am the next morning. The night driving would be fun on its own.

I am truly not looking forward to pinstripping, lol. Still trying to see what I can to to help avoid them while out there on the trails. I am hoping to do atleast Black gap and maybe others.


New member
We just missed you it looks like. We were in BBRSP 2/18-2/22. I ordered a flatbed hawk and a tunnel box set up a week ago so I won't quite be your twin.


We just missed you it looks like. We were in BBRSP 2/18-2/22. I ordered a flatbed hawk and a tunnel box set up a week ago so I won't quite be your twin.

We were in the State Park on the nights of 20-22. We saw one Jeep that was staying back at Yedra 2 the last night and one mountain biker out on the trail headed south from Rincon, that was it for the 3 days.

Isn't your truck a short bed too? How do you plan to fit a tunnel box and a Hawk on there, extend the flatbed back further?


New member
We were at Guale 2 the 20th 21st and didn't go back to the ranger station when we left the 22nd. We do have the short bed so it will extend 15" farther back to fit the box. I don't think the bumper will be back much farther than yours if at all. It was just a less expensive solution than yours. As much as I like yours we couldn't justify the extra cost.

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