Fixer & Builder of Things
Do you find the Froli system keeps condensation from building up under your mattress and possibly warmer in the cold winter months?
I have a very comfortable mattress I assembled out of 5" thick 5lb density memory foam ontop of 4" of standard foam, but I really need something under it to vent out the moisture.
I have a very comfortable mattress I assembled out of 5" thick 5lb density memory foam ontop of 4" of standard foam, but I really need something under it to vent out the moisture.
if anyone is pondering a build or radical replacement to go super light...
You might find the "Froli Sleep System" of interest. It is in use in products like the XPCamper-PopUp and Yachts. My wife and i have chosen it for our Van build. Reasonably priced and very compact. The "system" is just under 2" in height, then you would place a bed topper for mattress. . .and use flat sheets. Owners/users claim it is as comfortable if not more so, than their box spring and luxury topper mattress sets at home.
happy trails,