Very nice build man, and awesome photos along the way. That was cool to see, and flashback to my Sidekick days.
Thanks! I need to get out there so I can fix the crankshaft on it still. Just need to find the time.
Very nice build man, and awesome photos along the way. That was cool to see, and flashback to my Sidekick days.
I have always liked the Tracker since they first came out. I looked seriously at a new 1990 but bought a 1990 Camaro instead. When the Camaro was getting old in 1997 I looked at a 1994 but bought a 1994 Eagle Summit instead. Then in 2003 I found an amazing deal on a 2002 Tracker ZR2 with 12,000 miles. It sold for $12,000 when just a year earlier it stickered for $22,000. I had a baby on the way and traded it for a sedan after just a month. I've always regretted that decision.
A month later I found a 1990 Tracker 4x4 that was nearly identical to the one I looked at in 1990 except for having 13 years wear and tear on it. It ran good though and the 4x4 system worked. I painted it olive drab and put 235/75/15 retreaded mud terrains on it from the predecessor company to Treadwright. They were great tires and allowed the Tracker to do quite well offroad. I kept that Tracker for 3 years until one day it decided to puke out all of its automatic transmission fluid at a stop. I ended up selling it for $400 and buying a 98 Wrangler.
Then in 2009 I found a 1993 Tracker with nearly no rust. It had 150k miles and I paid $1500 for it. It even had working air conditioning. I put a set of BFG all terrains on it. At offroad parks people were surprised how well it did. I kept if for a year until I bought another Wrangler. The thing is I wheeled the trackers a lot harder than I ever did the Wranglers. A vehicle that cost a grand is just much easier to justify taking offroad than one that cost 15 times as much! I now have a new Ram pickup and it isn't going near a trail. I now have ATVs that I use offroad. But the Trackers were a lot of fun. I recently ran an Autocheck on the 93 and it just moved to Alaska this year!