Hi guys,
I’m new on here and have not posted before, but have been reading for about four months. I have a 1993 E350, 7.3 diesel engine, Type III Ambulance, built by Wheeled Coach. It is almost identical to the Belafonte with a few minor differences, such as the type of warning lights, etc. My project will be slightly different as I’m going to remove the cab, engine, transmission, front axle, etc. I will then add a tongue, coupler, tool box, etc. and make mine into a camper trailer which I will tow with a 2004 F250 Super Duty with the V10 Triton.
I haven’t started a thread on this yet because so far I would just be duplicating all of the work and pictures that CLynn85 has already posted in his original thread. Right now, I’m in the phase of pulling all of the ambulance module related wiring back from the cab and engine compartment, into the rear so they can be separated.
OK, enough background and the reason for my post on your thread. I’m a DoD District Fire Chief/EMT (retired), and I also operated ambulance units similar to these for ten years on the side. So, between my experience and now taking one apart, I may be able to answer some of your questions for you.
1. That unit is built by Wheeled Coach Ind. In Winter Park, Florida and they are the largest ambulance manufacturer in the country, however they are not the top of the line. I tried emailing them to get a wiring diagram or just a link to something on the internet, but did not even get a reply.
2. These units had the option of getting integrated or independent switches on the control panel, and we both have the integrated switches. The integrated switches are easier for the manufacturer to install and wire, therefore that option is cheaper but a pain to repair unless you have the right part. The integrated switch panels are propitiatory to Wheeled Coach, and so far I have not found a source for these either. Mine are configured differently, so I can’t tell you what your broken one is for.
3. Just about everything in/on the ambulance module is controlled by the 12VDC low amperage switches which activate higher amperage relays on the board behind the driver’s seat in the module. The Volt and Amperage meter, along with the Engine Idler and Voltage Monitor (mine) on the front control panel monitor the 12VDC electrical charging system when the engine is running and idling at the scene with all of its emergency lights in operation. If the system detects the current draw is causing a discharge state, the Engine Idler will raise the engine speed to approximately 1200 RPM to increase the charge rate. My vehicle has a 165 amp alternator, which is required for certification by the Federal Specification for the “Star-of-Life Ambulance,” KKK-A-1822 Standard.
The large rectangular hole is where the Electronic Siren Control Head was located. The Siren Amplifier itself is located in the rear on one of the electrical panels. If I recall correctly, Carl already removed it also. It cracks me up when people such as employees, sales people, etc. take (steal) equipment off of an out of service unit and grab the siren control head thinking they have a complete siren. BTW, if you redesign that panel and decide not to use that amp meter I sure would like to have it, because mine has been replaced by a piece of junk and I’ll be relocating most of this to the rear.
4. The Block Heater – The 120VAC circuit for the block heater starts at the back of the Shore Power inlet (recessed male) mounted on the driver’s side of the module just above the driver’s door handle, goes to the lighted house type wall switch behind the driver’s seat, and then to the yellow female receptacle under the hood. The block heater has a 3’ pigtail on it which plugs into this receptacle. Since the block heater is not normally needed in the summer time (ok, I’m in Florida), the switch allows it to be turned off. This circuit bypasses everything else 120VAC related in the module. I did not check mine with a meter and have already removed it, but I’ll double check tomorrow if it's not raining to make sure this is correct. Note! Apparently, a lot of people had problems with that circuit under the hood for some reason, and replaced it with a piece of orange extension cord. Mine was the same way.
5. The main battery disconnect switch is located on the left side of the driver’s seat, but I guess you already know that. Since mine is not running, I can’t verify this, but with the older vehicles I believe the engine will not start unless this switch is on. On March 1, 1999, Ford issued QVM Bulletin No. Q-63 which states...
There should be NO battery disconnect switches or devices installed that in any way cut-off power to the Ford chassis. Any battery disconnect devices should interrupt power to the Ambulance module only. From this date forward it will be a violation of QVM guidelines to install a battery disconnect switch to the Ford chassis”.
Sorry for the slight derail at first, but since this was my first post I felt I needed to quantify my answers. I hope this helps, plus I've accumulated a lot more information and websites in the last four months that may help also. Just let me know.
~ Patrick (Pat)