I've been working off n on the front spring hangers for 3 days now, and I've got a whopping 3 holes completed. I'm either the worlds worst hole driller, the frame is made out of tool steel up there, or dewault makes the crappiest steel drilling bits on the planet. Probably should have just welded the damn things on.
If I had it to do again, I am sooo frackin frustrated at the moment, I'd have just driven down to UJor and paid them to drill the stupid things. I think probably the first mistake was opting to source bits local, instead of just buying what Chris uses. Shouldnt have messed with success.
Anyway, whiney ***** mode over. I just need to find someplace around here that has 1/2 & 3/4 bits that are worth a crap. The 3/16 & 3/8 seem to be gettin it done for some reason, but the 1/2s suck great big goats. The first 3/4 lasted 1 hole I think. The last one was doing ok, till it fetched up in the hole and bent the shank. How I managed to do that without breaking a wrist is beyond me, but bend she did. Like a banana.
Anyway, to finish making a short story long, dont buy your bits from Lowes or the like. Suck it up and buy the package from Chris, or find someplace that supplies machine shops and go that route. Otherwise these holes can beat you to death.
That bit up ^^^^^ there is from a few days ago when I posted it i the Ujor thread.
I got around to going at it again, armed with the highest quality bits Harbor Freight has to offer, and they aren't doing too bad. I managed to finish up the drivers side and moved on to the passenger side....which has been a complete freaking comedy of (un)funny errors from the get go. My favorite-ist Milwaukee drill fetched up in a hole and in the process of almost breaking my wrist managed to rip it's cord out On the spot repair wasn't happening.
My El Cheapo big honkin 1/2" harbor freight special was actually doing a decent job on it's maiden voyage till it's forward/reverse rocker style switch gave up the forward ghost and only wished to work in reverse. My little 3/8' harbor freight special was/is a real trooper so far and doing everything it can, but it can't hold the bigger bits. Busted out the cordless Dewault 1/2" and discovered that one of it's two batteries gave up the ghost at some point this winter. Oh, did I mention that while using it while stuffed up in the fender well area I had lapse in concentration and hit the trigger while the bit was buried in the hole instead of getting up to speed and then feeding into the hole. Naturally it instantly fetched up, did it's best to break that same poor wrist, and failing that decided to continue on around and bust me in the bottom of the jaw hard enough to make me see god for a moment. Thankfully I was in an unusual mouth closed state instead of my normal slack-jawed mouth open tongue out mouth breather mode. I'd have probably lost my tongue.
So, to recap. One side all drilled. The other side is mostly drilled except for the outside 3/4 holes. At this point I'm just hoping to get through this portion without losing any limbs....