Best Discovery II year?


Ive always liked the Disco II, just wanted to get some knowledge on what year to look for. I have a truck for day to day use so it would be just a expo rig. Its really between a 4 runner and a Disco, but this being posted on the Land Rover Forum i know how the votes would go. What do I need to look for when checking one out? Rust areas? should I try and find one with all mechanical windows/ locks? thanks guys


edit, the 4 runner is going to be more reliable, but if its purely for offroad and you don't care about fuel I would get the discovery. If its between a discovery and a FZJ80 then I dunno.
Drive both. I'm the previous owner of an FJ80, 4th gen 4Runner, and have driven a number of FZJ80s. The Disco wins hands-down when it comes to driving experience and overall character. As much as I've liked my Toyotas, they're just a bit vanilla for my taste. I was actually shopping for another Land Cruiser when I found my Disco, I like it better in just about every way.

As for your original question, that's easy - 2004.


Expedition Leader
Drive both. I'm the previous owner of an FJ80, 4th gen 4Runner, and have driven a number of FZJ80s. The Disco wins hands-down when it comes to driving experience and overall character. As much as I've liked my Toyotas, they're just a bit vanilla for my taste. I was actually shopping for another Land Cruiser when I found my Disco, I like it better in just about every way.

As for your original question, that's easy - 2004.

2004 for sure.

I agree with the idea of driving both but otherwise have the exact opposite take. I've had a few Rovers, including a built DII. They have a cool charm for sure, but they are problematic. To say otherwise is misleading. They are comfortable and look great, but my passion was trumped once I learned more about Toyotas.

The 80 is a bit larger, insanely capable, 96 & 97's have more modern design, and they are slightly more reliable than a hammer. Look at the two forums and see what people are talking about - mods and maintenance or repairs?

I sold my DII prior to driving back to America from alaska where I bought and built it. I did not trust it despite detailed base lining, repairs, and mods, plain and simple. On my return for a year, I bought it back from the fellow who bought it from me and it lost the motor the day I registered it. A buddy has a DII and hasn't gone camping this summer because the rig was always in the shop and ate up his fun money.

If you've never had a cool car, it's something you have to experience for yourself. If you love your cars, problems become more than a frustration, they are a heart ache. I used to pull a Fiat w/ a Range Rover Classic. After time taught me a few lessons, I'm now into Toyota's and Porsches.

Oh what a feeling! Accept no substitute.


Expedition Leader
Will echo the above, and also mention that it is absolutely imperative that you find a CLEAN used 04. Had my 04 for a month and fortunately I have a decent knowledge about these trucks, otherwise i would have hated my life. If the truck was abused (or driven through mud and not washed and let sit for a month and 2k miles) you wont be happy about the ensuing repairs.

My land rovers have required more maintenance/repairs than my porsches and my track cars, such is life...

Hard to argue that the Toyota is the more reliable of the two, I wouldn't recommend a Land Rover to anyone that didn't DIY (or have deep pockets).


Here we go again....

Ditch the DII dreams and spend the extra cash up front on an LR3. It's just a better Land Rover, period. Your wallet and your sanity will thank you later (from the repair expenses of the DII).

If you insist on the DII anyway, then either the 02 or 04. There seems to be a developing conventional wisdom that the 4.6s in the 03 and 04s are failure prone due to oil pump issues. Note however that many many more 4.6s are operational than failed, so i dont buy that conventional wisdom. Otherwise the 04 for reasons already stated.

I suggest the 02, because that was the last year the 4.0 BOSCH was sold with the truck, and (if you are buying in to the conventional wisdom above), the 4.0 is pretty good and the 02s with the 4.0 are going to be the "newest".

Me personally, I'd buy the LR3 and enjoy the reliability with the same (if not better) capabilities. Otherwise I'd get the 04 with the CDL, 4.6 and solid axles, from there I'd pick the 02. Frankly I like the look of the original D2 front end better, but thats just me.

Still, going back to the LR3, it is the better option.
There is no "conventional wisdom" that the O4's are prone to oil pump failure. There are a few suggestions from the fringes of the community, but that is about it. Certainly no hard evidence.

D2 reliability vs. LR3 is a subject of heated debate. The fact that the D2 is more easily serviced, however, is not. The LR3, like most modern cars, was not designed with serviceability in mind. The electronics are an order of magnitude more complicated than the D2.

Anyway, to answer the OP: Hands down, the '04. You get a CDL that is hooked up from the factory, and works well with the repogrammed SLABS system. (ie: when you lock the CDL, Traction Control stops working in the early trucks) The SLABS is also much less likely to fault into 3 Amigos than the earlier trucks. The brakes on the 04 are better. The 4.6L has better power and torque than the 4.0L.


A vote for the '04. If you don't plan on modding it as much and running it through the really rough stuff, as dcwhybrew mentioned, I'd go for the LR3 as it's just a better expedition vehicle (IMO). Disclaimer: I've been wheeling the Mk3 Rovers for 8 years, so may be slightly biased.



Is this thread a trick question? It's like asking, "would you rather be mugged or robbed?"

However, to begrudginly answer the question sans sarcasm, go with the '04 if you must have a DII. If you are not really all that mechanically inclined (meaning you won't be replacing wheelbearings, engine mechanics and such yourself in the driveway) then the LR3 is probably a great option. If you are beholden to a mechanic or dealership either way then go for the newer vehicle.

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