Better Mantels for Propane Lanterns ??


Not going to debate gas vs propane vs LED. I like white gas Coleman Lanterns.

But if you use any lantern that needs a mantle use Peerless mantles. They are much brighter than Coleman mantles, and much tougher.

Real life example-this spring I did a 2 week trip through Southern Utah off the pavement. I burned a 200a (that's the iconic red Coleman single mantle lantern) every night. Then the lantern sat idle for 4 weeks and then I spent a week on the Rubicon trail. I never had to change the mantle, and that's with no special extra care. Modern Coleman mantles are extremely fragile.

You can get Peerless mantles from Old Coleman Parts, or off of ebay. They will change the way you think about mantle lanterns.


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I just got 40 peerless 2C-HG mantels from old coleman parts. The coleman collectors forum guys swear by them. I'm testing one on a 200A and it's on it's fifth night. The lamp is performing way better. I should put the lantern in the case and drive around with it, but AndrewP said, they seem to be way better than the #21 mantles sold by coleman today. I'm in the middle of a white gas conversion, no more propane tanks.

These are the mantles I picked up.

Nice 426 3 burner Andrew!


Nice 426 3 burner Andrew!

Thanks. It's a 426B. $20 Craigslist find, even the generator is original. Roughly 1957, could be 54-59, but the old guy I bought it from had purchased it new and thought it was '57. A 200A will fit inside the case for carrying, as will the folding stove stand.


While searching the interwebs, I came up with a some interesting stuff on the coleman collectors forum - LINK:

Coleman used to use thorium in their mantles. This allows the mantle to burn brighter and supposedly they are more durable. This is what Peerless uses too. I couldn't find a website for Peerless (looks like the site is down) but there was a reference to another company - American Mantle. They also use thorium and supposedly are more durable than modern day Colemans. Thorium is radio active, so some common sense comes into play, like don't eat them.

I purchased 5 2 packs of the American Mantles and believe it or not, they where $8.25 including shipping. That's right - ten mantles for $8.25 to my door :wings:

They also have reference lists on their site, for Coleman lantern part numbers. I know the ref list is not comprehensive though, as the part number for the lantern that I use was not on the list. I bought what I think will work. When I get them, I'll do a mini review.


Just in time, I need more mantles for my Coleman Northstar that uses #95 tube style mantles. Turns out, Peerless doesn't make the tube style. Then checked with American Mantles brand and they DO make the tube style (#900). However, this particular model is the non-thorium, yttrium type. :(

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