Bite the built?


So I think I am finally going to give in and purchase a GPS unit. Everyone uses GPS cooridinates to tell you where trails and camping spots are located. Keep in mind I know nothing about them at all. I want something I can use in my rover, take hiking or mountain biking. I also do not want to break the bank. I am open for suggestions.


So I think I am finally going to give in and purchase a GPS unit. Everyone uses GPS cooridinates to tell you where trails and camping spots are located. Keep in mind I know nothing about them at all. I want something I can use in my rover, take hiking or mountain biking. I also do not want to break the bank. I am open for suggestions.

I'm in the same boat as you are. I was looking at the XOG Lowrance, but they discontinued it. I heard it was one of the best cross GPS's out there.
The only one I found I really like for the (do it all GPS) is the Garmin Nuvi 500.

The Nuvi 500 already has topo maps loaded in it, and REI has it for $250 right now. The Nuvi 550 is the same as the 500, but it doesn't have any topo map's loaded in it, and is the same price as the 500.
It is portable weather proof/water proof.

I will be looking at one on Saturday.
IMO it's easier to find "gps coordinates" on a paper map than it is on a gps. :costumed-smiley-007


Finding camping spots & 4wheeling locations didn't get easier until I started using mapsource and loading the routes into the program. Now I have quick access to a TON of 4wheeling trails in Colorado & Utah, but it was a long learning curve and in fact a friend of mine had to teach me along the way.

Scenic WonderRunner

I'm not sure if I will Ever Buy one!

I have never needed one....and I have done just fine.

I can check the online maps from home before I go. I make mental maps. I can remember them.

It's more fun to just head out!

Be sure to Watch the wind and sky......the flow of water.

I have Never been lost.



Please excuse the dumb question; what does "bite the built" mean?


Endure pain with fortitude.


In the days before effective anesthetics soldiers were given bullets to bite on to help them endure pain. Improvements in battlefield medicine has seen the real act of biting bullets migrated into metaphor, although it must still happen occasionally.

First recorded in print in Kipling's Light that Failed, 1891. Kilpling uses 'bite the bullet' rather than 'bite this bullet', which we might have expected if the idea were new to the character being spoken to. That tends to suggest the phrase was already public when the story was written.

...'Going to sleep by you. Lie down now; you'll be better in the morning.'

'I shan't!' The voice rose to a wail. 'My God! I'm blind! I'm blind, and the darkness will never go away.' He made as if to leap from the bed, but Torpenhow's arms were round him, and Torpenhow's chin was on his shoulder, and his breath was squeezed out of him. He could only gasp, 'Blind!' and wriggle feebly.

'Steady, Dickie, steady!' said the deep voice in his ear, and the grip tightened. 'Bite on the bullet, old man, and don't let them think you're afraid,'


Expedition Leader

Endure pain with fortitude.


In the days before effective anesthetics soldiers were given bullets to bite on to help them endure pain. Improvements in battlefield medicine has seen the real act of biting bullets migrated into metaphor, although it must still happen occasionally.

First recorded in print in Kipling's Light that Failed, 1891. Kilpling uses 'bite the bullet' rather than 'bite this bullet', which we might have expected if the idea were new to the character being spoken to. That tends to suggest the phrase was already public when the story was written.

...'Going to sleep by you. Lie down now; you'll be better in the morning.'

'I shan't!' The voice rose to a wail. 'My God! I'm blind! I'm blind, and the darkness will never go away.' He made as if to leap from the bed, but Torpenhow's arms were round him, and Torpenhow's chin was on his shoulder, and his breath was squeezed out of him. He could only gasp, 'Blind!' and wriggle feebly.

'Steady, Dickie, steady!' said the deep voice in his ear, and the grip tightened. 'Bite on the bullet, old man, and don't let them think you're afraid,'
Dude, reading comprehension owns you.

B_U_I_L_T...not B_U_L_L_E_T


First off I am not good at spelling, so it seems. I dont know what my deal was when i wrote that. I understand not wanting to have a GPS, but sometimes I struggle to find a map for the area. I am also tired of maps not being up to date or correct. I am looking to get one for the just incase.
I don't think GPS maps are anymore up to date than paper maps. It seems to me that the folks who update their maps the most are Delorme, but I think the roads/trails are all the same.


New member
Personally I am very in favour of GPS.
Gps holds a number of advantages over paper.

1. a single gps can hold far more paper maps than you've ever seen, let alone tried to stuff in your truck!
2. if you learn its features it will make navigation in any situation easier.
3. doesn't require folding in a specific way.
4. maps can be kept up-to-date and accurate more easily.
5. no requirement for a passenger to handle the map, gps just needs to be set at the start of the journey....

Disadvantages are like most electronics, namely weather protection and battery life. But maps aren't exactly immune to bad weather either.

As for which one... You could definitely do a lot worse than the nuvi 500. Im a big fan of TomTom but the units seem on the whole to be a bit more expensive.

I saw an advert on here for some off road gps mapping.. does that require a specific unit or is there a few it will work with? I think I'd be going for something compatible with it...
Also when I looked at the site the full pack of maps is definitelt worth the initial outlay as the other maps work out very expensive.
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