Really liking the build. I'm just getting going on mine, and I'm building the tear drop's cab frame out of 1 inch square tube also. Just ordered my 1 inch square bender die.
First of all congratulations on getting some new tools. That always puts a big smile on my face. A good die will last you a life time and you will look back in a few year and be amazed at what all you have built with it. You most likley have others that you are using now so you know what I mean. Be sure to take a lot of pics so you can go back and have a record of everything you fabricated with it. Then post them up so we can watch. I have a Hosfeld #2 and a Mitler Bros. Air over hydraulic top loader bender. Love um both.
Assuming you use aluminum to skin the trailer, are you going to screw it into the 1x1? I was thinking of glueing and screwing it, but I like the clean look of aluminum when glued to the plywood leaving no screws on the finish.
I have given some thought to fiberglass panels for the siding. If I go that way I will epoxy them on. But Fiberglass makes me itch so I will probably go with Aluminum. A buddy just bought an enclosed trailer that is all screwed together and it looks just fine to me. I will buy the white smooth siding that is .4062 thick aluminum. It comes in 4' X 10' lengths. Im an old school Air Craft guy so I naturally like a bunch of big Arss rivets... you know the industrial look. So I will most likely get the air riveter going for the skin and use some kind of glue or or calk under the rivet to keep the rattling to a minimum. Im open to suggestions? The skin will go directly to the 1x1's . Insulation will go on the inside of the aluminum and some type of vainer for the interior... Still undecided as to what to use inside.
Also, did you just weld the box's frame to the trailer frame? I wasn't sure if my box should be bolted to the frame or if I should just weld it on.
Yep I just welded everything together. You want to be sure to skip around when welding the box on so your heat from the welds don't warp the frame any. It should be pretty thick stuff on the frame and shouldn't be a problem but just encase, skip around. Negative dihedral looks goofy! LOL
Be sure to start a build thread so we can keep tabs on your progress...