We came home from three months overseas and heard the smoke alarm in our HQ15 beeping. Turns out the main batteries were completely flat. Not sure how that happened as it was parked in the sun the entire time and I don't believe I left anything running. My dealer suggested that the inverter might have been left on and that could have drained the batteries faster than the solar panels could recharge them, even if no 120V items were running.
So, it looks like we'll be replacing the batteries. We'll bite the bullet and upgrade the entire system to use LiFePo4, and get a charge controller that won't let the batteries get drawn down too far. Good points earlier in this thread about getting a more informative controller—maybe I would have caught whatever was draining my system if I'd had a better indicator.
Also agree that the "mattress" is way too firm—and I like a firm mattress! (My wife swears that it's just a foundation and not actually a mattress.)
@Minjin: We're pretty pleased, but we were already aware going into it that every single trailer is going to take some work to get right. They aren't cheap Chinese junk, but there are a few fit-n-finish items that need tweaking. We did a thorough walk-through with our dealer when we picked it up, ending up spending most of the day with them getting stuff just right. Of course there were a few things we missed, but you can't catch everything in the parking lot—sometimes you have to just live in the thing for a while first.
Speaking of which, how do we adjust the shower door to form a better seal? Ours leaks pretty badly if we're at all tilted to the right. I think
@kevin_j mentioned how to earlier, but I can't find it any longer.