its GPLv2 already, all the code is there.. anyone could jump in, fix it and send him a merge request... the problem is that mobile platform's App Store ecosystem is the antithesis of what FOSS is about so the amount of Mobile FOSS Devs you can count on one hand.. Android is better than the rest but its still a PITA for FOSS to participate w/Play Store, you cant even find FOSS Projects for iOS.. there's nothing stopping you from taking APRSDroid and selling it on Play Store and making money off it without really changing anything, which is what happens to any GPL Phone Apps.. they hijack it, charge for it, then manipulate ratings and searches so they dont find the free FOSS one.. this all just results in the Devs staying far, far away from that crap in the first place and thats why its 100% commercial crap.
Ive written an Android App, bah it was a huge learning cliff and all specific to just Android.. my app was really simple, looking at the OSM API's and stuff my self I can see why its stayed pretty static if the old api's and stuff still worked.. I tried to generate a new set of OSM maps for North America and Canada on my home server, but even with 128Gig ram I was running out of memory and it was blowing up.. its gonna take some expensive cloud computing to generate maps for that using the old API's so I think the time has come... just wish I had the time and experience to contribute in any meaningful way.