Body Lift Transfer Case Shifter


So got my 2" body lift done but I can't shift into 2wd, seems the transfer case shift boot is maybe binding up on the floorpan? Anyone else have this issue? Gonna take out the center console tomorrow and see what I can do, just seeing if anybody else has run into this.


I trimmed a bit off the boot, and took a dremmel to the centre console, only a small nick but it was enough to get it to shift into 2h

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Two things, first is if you have shifted the body back while doing the body lift can cause this and it doesn't take much. Second if you have a shifter extension the boot won't be as compressed and will allow the shifter to fully engage in that position. Hope this helps.


I trimmed a bit off the boot, and took a dremmel to the centre console, only a small nick but it was enough to get it to shift into 2h

Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

Thanks, I was thinking about doing something similar...

Two things, first is if you have shifted the body back while doing the body lift can cause this and it doesn't take much. Second if you have a shifter extension the boot won't be as compressed and will allow the shifter to fully engage in that position. Hope this helps.

I tripled checked while had the body on the lift but I suppose it's possible (I mean ****** else could it be right? lol). I may try loosening the mounts and seeing if I can shift the body until the shifter works. The issue isn't the boot being compressed vertically as much as the inner (the black one on the floor pan) boot bunching up between the shifter and the the body's sheet metal.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
It's really nothing to trim that section, what ever you end up doing don't work too hard at it.


^ Got it. Went ahead and knocked it out last night. Welded up a shifter extension too so I don't bang my knuckles on the centet console every time I use it. I tried adjusting the body mounts before I whipped out the grinder but nothing I did seemed to help. I verified the body was moving on the frame but I just couldn't keep the shifter from hitting. Weirdness.

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