Body swap question


Does anyone know if I could take a 7.3 diesel van and swamp the whole body for a 2009+ body? I was thinking of buying a local 7.3l diesel van with a ****ty body but good engine and tranny and quigley 4x4. Body has lots of dents and it's very rusty. It's a 2000 and I was wondering if I got a 2009+ v8 gas doner body if It's possibly to do the body swap.


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That would be a crazy swap, many many electrical differences. And if the body is bad the chassis is most likely rusty also?


If you get a 2008 shell (has the old dash but new body), that may be able to work. BUT you would have to also swap all the harnesses AND the instrument cluster and possibly the heater controls as well. ALOT of tedious work that can be done tho. Like Chris said, you will be combating many electrical differences. I would grab a EVTM for your currently van and also grab one for that of the donor as well. That would help sort out any differences you may see befor digging in but you still may have some other irregularities.


The chassis really isn't that bad. Shock housings were rusted but everything else was very light surface rust. Thinking while body is off to get the frame sand blasted and repaint it. The body has tons of dents, a gouge down the side, rusted quarter panels and rusted rain gutters. The body needs way too much that's why I was wondering. If I get a decent 2000-2008 van doner it would be easier then doing a newer body swap? Maybe after I could do a front end clip swap bc I like the newer front ends better. Just have to decide if the wiring is going to be that extensive. Maybe if I have an 08 new front end and old dash I could swap the whole dash and everything from the 7.3 which would save a lot.


Does anyone know if the engine compartment is the same size for the 7.3 and v8 van body's? Are are they maybe set up slightly different?


Ghostkid21 - If you got the money and fab skills I say go for it... but... If your going to put so much effort into that, why not put that effort into getting a newer engine/tranny into the van?


New member
Don't know if you are still contemplating this but I am doing one right now and let me tell you...woof. It is something else. I have stripped the old body down to literally NOTHING. Just a shell of sheet metal. It is super time consuming. PM if you want more details.

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