Boise Meet Up


^^^ hates cars
i started by running up the street to hopefully find the owner of this little gem. a 90 4wd 3.0 diesel hiace.

gents name was brady and he wanted to come say hi, but he recently had twins and couldn't break away which is totally understandable. still he made some time to let me check out his ride. hes a lurker here, so if he reads this, thanks again for opening your van and taking the time to let me check it out. way cool little rig!

then i meandered back down and met up with firedude and we shot the **** till the rest of the group started showing up. definitely cool putting some faces to the screen names. sorry I got sidetracked once we got in the bar. ran into a buddy (and his wife that was our server) i haven't seen in 20 some odd years...

tysons (Backcountry Pursuit) new van was really clean, really nice pu man!! glad trevor (petroburner) was in town to come say can just photoshop your rig in these shots, lol.

nates van. again, your van is way cool. great execution on putting your ideas on a canvas. I really like the open-ness of the layout when shes all open and exposed.

a few group shots...

brains (brian94ht) van. he really needs to update his build thread. hes done some cool stuff in this van. super clean dude, always enjoy your style ;)

brains (firedude67) smb. nice and clean ride. jealous of a completed interior, lol.

cobys (obieone) advanced conversion van.

was great meeting the rest of the locals I haven't crossed paths with yet. next time, lets do this around a campfire...or at least up 8th street ;) thanks for putting this together nate. was a good time last night.
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Pinnacle Campers

Chateau spotter
That looks like it was a lot of fun, bunch of great looking rigs too.

It was a lot of fun, looking forward to more of them.
It was nice to meet Brian and see his SMB. I have seen it parked at his house, and have even exchanged waves with him a number of times.
As for the rest of them, Brian's wife asked me what the associations were at the table as she felt it was more than a few random van guys meeting up. With Obieone being my neighbor and having known Naterry for nearly 25ish years and Shenrie for 15ish years doing everything from motorsports to backcountry pursuits (and everything in between) with both of them, I would say it felt more like old friends hanging out.
As well, Tyson and Trevor seemed to fit right in with similar interests, lifestyles and experiences.
This is the only pic I found on my phone the next morning,

May I suggest next time be around a campfire...
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13 Cheeseburgers
Big thanks to everyone for coming out! It was great to meet the locals and put faces to names.


New member
Sienna seats

Figured this thread is my target audience. Does anyone in Boise have the sienna seats in there van? I'm trying to decide if I should pull the trigger on the ujoint seat bases and seats for my van. My only problem is I'd like to atleast sit in the seats before purchasing them and I can;t seem to find a sienna in town at any dealership that has the recliner/footrest models. I'd be willing to buy a beer or two for the opportunity to sit in your sienna seats.

If you see a white e350 running around town with "war pig" plates flag me down.


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