Boring Hams Talking About The Weather

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Expo this, expo that, exp
Just Walk Away

Just walk away.

There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.

[Soldiers start up their vehicles]

I await your answer. You have a full day to decide.

[Everyone drives away]


Tail-End Charlie
Just walk away.

There has been too much violence. Too much pain. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me your pump, the oil, the gasoline, and the whole compound, and I'll spare your lives. Just walk away and we'll give you a safe passageway in the wastelands. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.

[Soldiers start up their vehicles]

I await your answer. You have a full day to decide.

[Everyone drives away]

Without clicking the link, that sounds like The Humongous. Not sure I'd trust that guy to actually let anyone walk away after they gave him what he wanted.


Expo this, expo that, exp


SE Expedition Society
great another thread that has convinced me ham is not for me.
Don't knock it 'til you've actually tried it.

Come out and camp/wheel with me and Bob (Tennmogger) to get a feel for the performance.
HAM is like a Jeep. You can be the guy that mall-crawls or puts it on 24" DUBs. Or you can just drive your Jeep.
The playground is huge.

A HAM radio is a communication tool first and foremost. It serves as an enhancement to my chosen means of recreation and it can also save a life.

I got my ticket for that second reason.
Last spring Bob was headed to meet a group of us in the mountains when he broke down in the Mog; he had gotten some bad diesel. None of us were within an area of cel coverage and we became concerned as the hours dragged on.
Now, we weren't as concerned as we might have been had it been a different member of our group ---- Bob has a unique vehicle and unique skillset. If anybody could survive a night in the wild, it's Bob. So we weren't going to go out looking for him in the dark. And we did get in contact with him the next day after he limped home and filtered his fuel a few times.

But if it had been serious, if he had needed a hand, if I had a HAM radio, help could've been there quickly and effectively. I decided that I wouldn't be in that situation again.

Bob's a boring old man on a HAM that makes the entire thing relevant and entertaining to me. What's boring about a tool that works well anyhow?
One good apple doesn't make it worth buying the whole cart. From what I've seen here and the general attitude I found at our local ham club meeting (president of the local jeep club so we have some cross memebership) I have no need or desire to subject myself to the ridicule and judgment associated with a hobby.

Hilldweler I truly respect your opinion and the wealth of knowledge you bring to this forum and the Offroad community in general and I believe your fellow ambassadors of the ham hobby could take a lesson from your demeanor and willingness to help.

As a figure head in the local jeep community I know how important it is to be opening and inviting of all types of new practioners to the sport. We welcome and accept then educate and elevate. I would not be surprised if the attitude of your peers towards beginners ruins the hobby in my lifetime.

Now before you antagonistic types go on the war path and attack me they way you have attacked others read that again then think this person was dead set on getting his license before he read this forum. Is attacking him personally going to change his mind? Am I going to be a good ambassador of my sport with this post?"

There are plenty of tools out there that don't require I subject myself to this type of abuse.


SE Expedition Society
It's just a radio, just a tool.
A tool that can work anywhere.

I really don't get any of the "controversy" over it. If you don't like the weirdos, don't hang with them.

Here's Bob's dedicated radio Mog


And I applied for my vanity call. Trying for WW1SES (WhiskeyWhiskey-1-SoutheastExpeditionSociety)


Expedition Leader
I've been a ham for over 20 yrs now and I have NEVER witnesses the derisive attitudes talked about in these threads, and I've had my radios everywhere, in and out of country. Yes, there are some boring folks on the radio. There are some boring folks on expedition portal as well, or anywhere else in life.

People in these threads are getting some attitude because in large part they are bringing it, either directly or with baited questions. If you dont want to be a ham thats fine, dont. You can stick to cb, or frs, or whatever else you want to use that doesnt require a license, or effort, which seems to be the real key.

If you feel that its useful to you, or interesting, do the work. There is a reason for it.


Expedition Leader
Strange thread. Appears some are hiding their technical challenges behind criticism of others or simply feigning claims of inferiority complex.

There is a reason for licenses. Its called technical competence. Can't cut it? Don't complain. Simply move on. It's like a person who can use a radio wondering why they can't be hired as a technician/engineer.

Let's see, lower the level of effort to get a license and end up with more complainers. Got it. Time to raise the technical requirements?


Expedition Leader
Strange thread. Appears some are hiding their technical challenges behind criticism of others or simply feigning claims of inferiority complex.

There is a reason for licenses. Its called technical competence. Can't cut it? Don't complain. Simply move on. It's like a person who can use a radio wondering why they can't be hired as a technician/engineer.

Let's see, lower the level of effort to get a license and end up with more complainers. Got it. Time to raise the technical requirements?

It's not the folks getting the license doing the complaining, it's the ones that don't feel they should have to have a license, so I don't see where changing the tech required solves anything. Besides, they are already tiered.

My personal feeling is it's bleed over from the generation that feels things should be handed, instead of earned. Everybody has the "right" to everything these days, and nobody wants to pay their dues, so to speak. The problem is people rarely appreciate or respect what they are given. When it has to be worked for and earned it's a different story.

Much has been made about the "attitude" of hams and how rude/unwelcoming they are. Yet if you go back to the locked thread everyone was nice and polite, until the 10th post where someone made some derogatory comments about licensed operators. I believe it was post 56 where the OP admitted he just started the thread to essentially see what kind of crap it would stir up. Trolling basically. I'm failing to see how the detractors are making their point about licensed hams.
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