Hey John,
I've been a bowhunter for a few years now; strictly primitive and/or traditional. I've built several self-bows out of Osage Orange I harvested in the wild, constructed my own arrows from river cane, and knapped my own flint points. Not sure if you want to go that in depth, but I can tell you it's quite rewarding to harvest an animal using a weapon that was built using nothing but natural materials and your own sweat and blood. That being said, I have also killed deer with more "traditional" tackle like commercial built recurves and cedar shaft arrows with steel points. Still a very rewarding experience and a worthy venture in my opinion.
My heaviest bow is an Osage recurve- 42# at 28"; plenty of power for the average whitetail. I pack light; bow, red fox quiver slung over my back with 6 arrows tops, possibles bag with water bottle, IFAK, a few snacks, and a couple of survival goodies should I end up spending the night out. A finger tab and wrist guard round out my gear.
Be forewarned-shooting traditional and primitive archery tackle is addictive as you probably found out with your own self bow. Those rifles may sit in the safe collecting dust after you harvest your first animal. There are a couple of decent magazines on the newstand that I recommend; Traditional Archer and Primitive Archer. Both are great and packed with all sorts of useful information. Take care and good luck, Jerry