Brake pedal goes to floor on first pump while providing moderate braking power. Second pump provides fully effective braking power. Not losing fluid. After second pump, pedal doesn’t move down if you maintain pressure on pedal. Calipers are working normally, pads and rotors are in spec and not overly worn. I may be overdue to bleed fluid but fluid is less than 5 years old. Any time I service my brakes I bleed as you are suppoaed to. Been doing my own brake service for 3 cars and 15 years…… Any ideas why I need to double pump to get a good hard pedal? This behavior is fully repeatable, does it every time unless you are reapplying brakes within 30 seconds or minute or so.
My only plan right now is to re-bleed all 4 corners.
My only plan right now is to re-bleed all 4 corners.
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