broken hubs...


so, i am pretty sure that superwinch hubs for the trooper kinda suck. i am not the only one that breaks them. oh well i guess i will get some warn hubs.

have a look,

Paul 3

Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0011
I'm not sure if they make them for your particular application, but you might want to take a look at the Dynatrac Dynaloc selectable hubs. An outstanding unit that IMHO surpasses Warn hubs in strength.



i still haven't had a problem with mine. Others said the allen screws fall out. So i loctite'd mine when i installed them (2 years ago) and just looked at them again this weekend. They all looked good.

Did yours break when engaged?


Expedition Leader
Look in the junkyards for older Trooper Aisin hubs, those do work and work well if you can find them. If you can't find them, then Warn is your second best option.

double moo

I found a set of Aisins last year and while installing them noticed that I had damaged the spring retainer when i took one off. I hit another junk yard but couldn't find a trooper with them - I did notice that the Toyota ones looked the same except a longer body. I pulled off everything but the body and they matched up identical. As I hit junk yards I always see older Toyos with Aisin hubs - good to know there are enough parts to back me up!


yes i was engaged when it broke. then it took a while to recover. i will check the junk yards for the old trooper hubs.


i came up and over a rock (large rock) and my tire was spinning too fast. it then went bang...yeah i had my flanges with me and replaced it on the trail but it was making a funny noise so i put the empty hub back on so that the axle would not spin and i could drive the three hours home.


Guess mine weren't an isolated incident.

yup, exactly what happened to mine, and under remarkably similar circumstances too. For what its worth, my second set is still going strong, although I always keep my stock flanges in the truck now. That BANG BRRrrRRrrRR noise is pretty gnarley, same noise the tranny on my Eclipse made when I blew it to pieces. Never want to hear that again.

Talk to them about warranty replacement. Even if you never use them you could ebay them and get some of your investment back. I had to keep on them, but they did replace them.


Expedition Leader
Sorry to hear that. Mine are still in one piece but I plan on replacing them with Aisins soon. I bought mine before they got real expensive, but they are not a quality product. Sometimes they engage, sometimes they disengage, sometimes the seem to get stuck halfway in-between. I'm not averse to maintenance, but I shouldn't have to disassemble and lube the locking mechanism and splines a couple times a year.

The Warns are better, but there are still stories of them failing. I think if you can, Aisins are the way to go.

@Philndz, your call on whether to install them or not. There are a lot of people using them and relatively few failures, but don't think that Robert's and Inc's experience is isolated.


age old debate

Aisin vs Warn vs superwinch.

Warn is the obvious 1st choice. Aisin hubs have not been made since the late 80's for that application which means best case they are at least 19 years old (more than likely older) IF you can get rebuild parts new the cost is close to a set of superwinch hubs.
No one has issues with the warn hubs failing, nor with how they work, only the perception of cost.
Lets look at it this way
You need junk hubs lets say 30 dollars from a yard to be safe (if you can find them believe me I look all the time and finding GOOD ones is nearly impossible)
You need 2 rebuild kits. 79.99 each
So your total is 190.00 +/- and shipping.
BRAND NEW 2009 PARTS! Warn hubs 214.99.

24 dollars for piece of mind? knowing your front axle will work when you need it? This does not take into account the time needed to find the hubs in a junk yard or rebuild them. (my time is not free, is yours?)

Oh yeah then we have superwinch 124.99 a set. Still less than a set of Aisins that have been rebuilt almost cheap enough to replace them 2 to 1 (carry a spare set with you)

Just my .02
I get really frustrated with this particular topic.
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New member
i just added the superwinch hubs to mine last sunday and this weekend i put them to the test and they seem to be holding up just fine so far


Expedition Leader
Just my .02
I get really frustrated with this particular topic.

My understanding was that the Independent4x perspective was that the Aisins are the highest quality after a rebuild. Thanks for clearing that up.

When I bought my Superwinch hubs, it was generally agreed that they were on par with the Aisin hubs. Clearly time has shown otherwise and I think the Isuzu community at large is moving away from them.


My understanding was that the Independent4x perspective was that the Aisins are the highest quality after a rebuild. Thanks for clearing that up.

When I bought my Superwinch hubs, it was generally agreed that they were on par with the Aisin hubs. Clearly time has shown otherwise and I think the Isuzu community at large is moving away from them.
Perhaps 10 years ago when they were not so old and easier to come by but now? They are all old and lets face it these parts wear. We sell alot of superwinch hubs, good hubs. That being said I run WARN hubs on everything I own, trooper, jeep, buggy, tow rig....


From the pictures, the cross section at the break looks sort of porous. Were these things made by a sintered metal process (?)

That's too bad! The older Superwinch hubs from years ago seemed to be much tougher. I guess everyone's looking save a nickle on their manufacturing these days.


New member
In my experience in ~10 years wheeling in and with Isuzus of various years, models and build, heres my take on the hub subject.

Generally I find that the SuperWinch hubs to be slightly weaker than the Aisins. I also intentionally run Superwinches because of this. In my experience the Superwinches typically let go before the CV Shaft. The Aisin's usually prove stronger than the CV Shaft.

I would rather replace a hub which is a 15 minnute job vs the rather unpleasent job of replacing a CV shaft. Especially in the middle of a tough trail, or on an extended camping trip in the boonies.

I've broken numerous parts over the years, including a few Superwinch Hubs. The only CV Shafts I've replaced were for other reasons (torn inner boot, torn diff mounting plate).

Thats my $0.02 worth.

-Mike W

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