I attached 2x2 angle iron to frame and tongue to gusset it for additional strength. but I know what you mean, but I look at it as a start I did not know how far I would go with this plus for me part of the fun is the interaction on the boards and the build itself. Like today went to scrap yard bought a 36" piece of 2x2 square tube stock and made a 2" ball trailer hitch extension ($7.00) for when on hiway. When offroad unplug and put pintle on for trails. longer tows better.Will work on pics tomorrow heading out to sons game
Gonna take trailer across Anza Borrego to test new tongue setup. Tongue is gusseted with 2- 6' 2"x2" 1/4 angle iron bolted in 8 spots to stock weak harbor freight tongue. My welds will let me know if there is movement on 2" receiver box on tongue 2 bolts on each side of seam. I will switch to short lunnete ring for off road portion
And yes my welds stink, will get brother in law to finish later but this will do for now
There are four grade 8 bolts holding it 2 more than most 2" ball receivers have and four more gusseting 2x2 angle to tongue and 4 more attaching angle to frame. drove 200 miles 30 miles across desert shell reef expressway/crossover trail. none of the tongue attachments had any issues. welded because bolted gussets can flex not to hold tongue on. wanted to stop tongue twisting that these can do when used off road. it did not twist