Buffalo River


Expedition Leader
Giving some consideration to a Spring break canoe trip last week in March. Currently the Rio Grande thru Big Bend is one option but I need at least one other option in case the Rio Grande is low. Anyone paddle the Buffalo River in Arkansas who can give a brief summary of the river. Looking for a 4-5-6 day trip.
(May want to repost this in "Central Region" for more viewers. Just a suggestion.)

Dozens and dozens of trips on/around the BNR. Been here my whole life...

Late March will be just fine. Based on spring rains, you may need to keep your put-in flexible. If things are really up, you may be able to start as far west as Ponca or even Boxley. If not, you'll need to check into Steel Creek or Kyle's Landing. Regardless, I would suggest starting as far upstream as possible for two reason: 1) The Ponca Wilderness area is spectacular. Take your time here, and do plenty of side hikes exploring the many bluffs, waterfalls, and pre-National Park homesteads, schools, and churches/cemeteries; and, 2) unless the water is very high, the lower river (downstream of Hwy 65 bridge) will be slack and require much more paddling, which gets very old and tiring after 5 straight days. :)

The other option, if you're interested is staying in the boat, is to cover the whole river. I did a 171-mile float from the Upper Buffalo Wilderness (up where the river is still referred to as "creek") to the mouth at the White River near Buffalo City in five nights. But you gotta be movin' fast, and you'll likely portage much of the upper reaches. Ouch.

No matter what you choose, you'll love it, I'm sure. The place is amazing. Every gravel bar is open for camping, and that time of year you'll have no problem finding some solitude. You may even go some days without seeing another person. Yeah, it's that good.

Best of luck, and make sure to post up the trip log and pics when you get back!


ditto on everything 6string said. I have only been once for an overnight two day paddle and loved the river and the area. A friend and I are actually tossing around paddling the entire length... we just need to plan it well.


Expedition Leader
Thanks for the info. My tentative plan was to start at Ponca and go downstream. I definitely don't want to do 171 miles because I want to do some hiking and I'm a 'drifter style' as opposed to a 'marathon style' paddler. There is a group going from Canoe Colorado that same week to run the river but they are fast paddlers so I want to organize a separate group.
Most the paddlers will be pretty experienced canoeists but it's possible that we may pick up some complete novices. From what I have read, at moderate water flows, there's nothing but class II from Ponca on down.
I'm now leaning towards the Buffalo as opposed to the Rio Grande because it's 4 hrs less driving each way.

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